Teenage Lovers, Separated by Fate

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Once upon a time, long ago, a great war hero was born. Taken from his real mother at birth and experimented on, Professor Hojo knew his son Sephiroth would be someone great. Five years into the boy's enhancement, that's when he met her. A small but fragile girl was sold for science by none other than her own father. That day happened like any other, with the boy waking up in his cell and immediately taken to a lab, where they poked and prodded him. By now, he was used to it. Normally, he could sit still through it all, pain or not, but this time, something made his eyes wander to the door, or rather, someone. A guard was hauling a little girl over his shoulder while she kicked and screamed.

"Stop squirming, you little brat!" Sephiroth heard the guard struggling to even hold her. The boy turned his head forward again as the screams faded. Of course, he was taken back to his cell when night came, and the whole way back, he searched far and wide for the girl, wondering if she was okay. And the moment he walked in the cell, a female scientist proceeded into the cell across from his, saying soothing words a loving mother would to get whatever she was speaking to to come out of hiding. Sephiroth watched with curiosity as a little girl with short black hair and puffy crimson eyes slowly came out of hiding. It was the same girl he saw from the lab door! She looked no older than three!

"There we go, little one. Take my hand." The girl hid her mouth with one hand and took the scientist's hand with the other.

"I'm not supposed to be showing you any sympathy, but you're just a child." He heard the scientist whisper as she took the child away. He struggled to sleep that night. Screams were heard all around, and it made him wonder how the girl still had her voice. Two hours passed, and the screams finally ceased. He opened his eyes to see the same scientist from earlier carrying the sleeping girl back to her cell, a blanket wrapped around her. She then took a look at Sephiroth.

"Don't worry about her, Sephiroth. She'll be alright." The woman walked away, and the boy could not help but to watch the cell across from his. He hoped the girl would wake up, but she didn't. The next morning, he woke up to muffled whimpers, and he peeked into the cell, seeing the girl sitting against the wall, her bandaged legs huddled close to her chest.

"Hey, don't cry. My name is Sephiroth. What's yours?" The girl looked over at him and crawled towards the bars of her little prison.

"A... Another kid....? I... I thought I was the only one.... I'm sorry.... My name is Valencia. How long have you been here...?" She sniffled, just happy to see another face. He smiled warmly at her.

"My whole life. But, I'm used to what they're doing. Why are you here? Where are your parents?" The girl stared down at a bracelet. Her mother had gifted it to her as a parting gift.

"My daddy didn't want me anymore...... He said I'll be more useful to scientists.... My mommy tried to stop him, but my daddy pushed her away......." The girl sobbed, feeling unwanted. Sephiroth looked around his cell for a way out, seeing a hole in the floor hidden by a pile of leaves. He crawled through, and it led him to her cell.

"Can I give you a hug?" He held his arms out to her, and one look said it all. He pulled Valencia into his embrace, letting her cry it out.

"I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. Don't worry Valencia." He calmed her down, vowing a friendship that'll last a lifetime. They both grew up together, and he never forgot about her. He stayed by her side through the experimentation, holding her hand and keeping her calm through it all. Hojo took notice of how happy she made him, and he with her, and he let it go on until Sephiroth reached puberty.

"You've grown too attached to that girl boy! Which is why I signed you up for SOLDIER. You will never see her again after you leave." Hojo had pulled his teenage son aside one day. Sephiroth was furious. That meant he had to leave Valencia behind. Now that they were both a little older, they were allowed to roam, as long as they were back in their cells by dark.

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