My Hot New Neighbor

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Sephiroth was an ordinary man, living in a safe suburban neighborhood with his friends Angeal, Genesis, Zack, and Cloud. From game nights, to weekends out on the town, life was pretty good. The men lived under the same roof, and for the most part, got along pretty well. After all, they were all single bachelors. One morning, the men were all sitting around in the living room, watching Zack shoot up a few zombies on his video game.

"Dude, your reload game is wack! My pullout game is stronger than that!" Genesis teased. He always was the asshole of the group.

"It so wasn't! I've gotten faster at reloading!" Sephiroth chuckled. Mornings were never dull when Zack was around. Angeal, who had gone to grab the daily mail, came back inside, and gave each man their respectable mail.

"Hey, did you guys know we have a new next door neighbor? There's a moving truck at the house to the left of us." The men rushed out the house, seeing that there was in fact, a moving truck parked right outside. A man with long jet black hair and menacing crimson eyes got out from the driver's side, mean mugging them as he walked over to the back of the truck. Then, a silver and white dog hopped out, immediately marked her territory, and ran towards the guys.

"Whoa! What a beautiful dog!" Zack bent down to pet the dog. Sephiroth noticed a girl jogging to them, a leash in hand.

"Eirian! I am so sorry! She usually doesn't approach strangers!" She clipped the leash on the dog, scolding her for running off. Sephiroth could not stop staring at the gorgeous girl before him.

"It's quite alright. I'm Angeal by the way. And you are?" The girl shook their hands with her free one as they introduced themselves.

"I'm Valencia, and that's my brother Vincent. Don't mind him, he's just grumpy from the long ride here. I promise he's very nice once you get to know him!" She smiled, tucking a strand of her luscious pitch black hair behind her ear. Sephiroth eyed her down, staring at her simple, yet adorable outfit: a white romper with a red cardigan, all put together with a pair of nude sandals.

"Valencia, stop holding conversation with them and help me bring the stuff inside." The man Vincent, called from the front porch, having just brought in a couple boxes.

"Oh! Coming Vincent! I gotta go, but I'll see you boys around?" She twirled her hair in her index finger, giving a flirtatious look to Sephiroth.

"Sure, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to come over and ask." Sephiroth gave her a wink, and he watched her run her dog inside before proceeding to help her brother. Later that day, they were doing their chores for the day, with Sephiroth on kitchen duty.

"So, Sephiroth...." Angeal sensed his friend had taken an interest to the new neighbor, so of course, he had to tease him a little.

"Yes, she is hot. I know. But don't you go making any moves on her." Sephiroth wiped down the counters after loading up the dishwasher.

"I won't because I know she's got you wrapped around her little finger. Dude, she's the devil in disguise. Be careful around girls like her." Angeal warned, and his words stuck to him like glue for the remainder of the day, until he saw her again. That night, he was in his bedroom winding down. He had his window open to let in some of the fresh night air. He was about to close it when he saw her from her bedroom window, braiding her hair and pacing her pink room, laughing at something she found funny. The sight made his stomach churn. From here, he had a full view of her perfectly toned body. He was so caught up in his daydreaming, that he didn't notice her walking up to her window and lifting it open.

"It's you again. Sephiroth right?" Her angelic voice brought him back to reality. He cleared his throat, obviously embarrassed. She leaned over, exposing a little cleavage.

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