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Professor Hojo was fed up. He had sacrificed every worthy girl to his savage part man, part shark son. So far, Sephiroth had ripped them all to shreds. Yep, what a dangerous specimen he came out to be.

"Mate. Find her, and bring her to me." Sephiroth would snarl through the glass of the huge aquarium like tank he lived in. None of these potential mates didn't pique his interest. That is, until he caught a glimpse of her. A woman with long black hair and the most captivating red eyes would often be glancing down at a clipboard while she tested the waters and his health. She must be one of his father's assistants, based on the white lab coat and pink name tag with her picture and name on the front. Every day, he observed her, hoping she'll stare at him. But she never did. Even during the night shift, she never bothered to even walk past his tank. He wanted her to notice him. He wanted her to accidentally fall into his tank so he could have his way with her. One day, his wishes came true. He had watched this girl walk across the unstable cat walk above him to feed him his lunch, so he took the opportunity to swim up and hit it with his tail to shake it a bit.

"Whoa! Easy!" He heard her tell him. He was so close to her. Fuck it. He swam behind her and splashed a wave of water at her. Startled, she tumbled backwards and fell in screaming. He dashed towards her and grabbed her, pinning her to the glass. Annoyed with his sudden aggressive behavior, Hojo ordered the guards to hit him with a tranquilizer before his assistant drowned. Furious, Sephiroth hissed, baring his sharp shark like teeth. He obviously wanted to protect her.

"Boy, let her go. She clearly has no interest in you. Release her." Hojo kept him distracted while a few guards crowded the cat walk. Sephiroth nearly growled and licked the side of the girl's neck to mark his territory, all while staring daggers. Hojo gave a curt nod and in an instant, Sephiroth was shot twice in the back and fell victim to the calming chemicals of the darts. Once he had released the girl, she swam up to safety. When she was out of harm's reach, Hojo watched from a distance, interested in what his son wanted. Maybe....... that night, he put the girl, Valencia on the night shift and had a guard watch and protect her. Secretly, Hojo wanted to see if she was the mate Sephiroth needed.

"You're a freak. I feel pity for whoever ends up as your mate. Stupid man." Valencia made sure he heard her. When he did, he clawed at the glass, desperate to tear her open.

"My mate. Mine." He replied ,pointing a sharp finger at her. His primal urges to touch her and breed her grew stronger the longer he stared. Valencia sensed that he was only aggressive because he was in heat, but she couldn't make it worse for him. She had to admit, for a freak, he was kinda cute. But there was no way she was going to fall for him. Instead of giving him a response, she walked away, waving a hand up to stop him from talking. Sephiroth clenched his gilled fists. No woman was going to treat him this way. Not even his mate. Over the span of a couple of months, he began to become more and more aggressive from the lack of mating. He needed it. Now. He swam around his tank, his behavior getting worse. He knew he'd end up killing someone, but if this kept on, he'd lose his chance to mate for another three years. And no amount of medicine could calm him down. He made this known to his father, to which he said..

"You'll get your chance, boy. One more month, and she's all yours." And with that, Sephiroth waited and waited. Then, one afternoon, he heard screams coming from down the hall. It sounded like Valencia. It's time. He glanced over at a door leading to a dark and quiet area of the tank, where he was going to breed her and made his way to it.

"No!!! Don't!!! Please, stop!!!" She yelled, getting dragged to Hojo's lab. He had the guards place her on the cold lab table and strap her down.

"You've been chosen to be my son's mate. Congratulations, my dear. You won a ticket to the mating ritual. First, let's get you ready." Hojo hovered over her and spent hours injecting her with fluids and listening to her screams. Before Valencia could even try to fight her way out, she ended up being taken to a strange area of the aquarium and thrown in. It was through the glass that she finally got a look at her new look. She pretty much looked the same, aside from the little fins in her head, the black and red tail, gills in her neck, and the top that acted like a bra to her. Plus, the fact that she could breathe underwater now was remarkable, but why her?

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