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Before the story starts this fic is very much inspired by a song (like all my fics are) so if you want to know the vibes while I write this listen to May I by Trading Yesterday :)
(Bokuto POV)

A grin spread across Bokuto's face as the ball slammed into the ground on the opposite side of the net.

"Nice one Bokuto!"

Bokuto glanced back at his teammates, sweat dripping down his face. "Thanks!"

On the other side of the net a boy with spiky black hair glared at him. Bokuto smirked.

"Is there a problem Kur-"

"Alright boys, that's enough for today." Fukurodani's coach nodding approvingly at the players. "Three wins and one loss. Not bad."

"Awe, but I'm not ready to be done yet," Bokuto whined.

Konaha smacked his shoulder. "This is just a practice match dude. If you keep going you won't have any energy for the actual game this weekend."

Bokuto gave in, joining the other players in cleaning up the gym. He wanted to keep playing. Volleyball is his escape, his way to get his frustration out. And he really needed that right now.

He finished cleaning up and got changed quickly, just throwing on a light jacket over his T-shirt and sweatpants.

He wasn't ready to go home yet, and he had no homework today, so he just wandered around town, looking for something to distract him.

In the end Bokuto decided to go to the cafe just a short walk from his house. Like he always did when the weather got cold, he ordered hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. He sat next to a window and watched videos of professional volleyball tournaments while he sipped at his warm drink. Until something caught his attention.

A boy with black hair walked in, looking shy despite the rather empty building. His green eyes met Bokuto's for just a second before he looked away and smiled politely at the cashier.

Bokuto recognized him. What was his name again? Agashi...? He shrugged. All he knew was that a teacher had recommended Bokuto ask him to tutor him in trig (not that he needed help, he was getting much better on his own) and that people say hes nice but quiet around people he isn't close with.

Shrugging, Bokuto hummed happily and went back to watching the tournament. But every now and then he caught himself casting quick glances at that boy. He had no idea why. There was just something intriguing about him.

(Akaashi POV)

"Akaashi? Hello?"

"Oh, sorry." Akaashi winced when he realized that he'd zoned out for the third time during his violin lesson.

His instructor smiled at him. "Don't worry about it. Hey, are you okay?" She raised a brow. "You're normally very focused."

"Yeah. I just ran into someone today."

The instructor nodded in understanding. "Well eve though you've been distracted you're doing amazing today. If you'd like to end early we can."

Akaashi sighed. "That might be a good idea. Sorry."

"Don't apologize. I actually need to leave soon anyways. See you next week?"


Quickly packing up his violin and music, Akaashi said goodbye to his instructor- Sora- and made his way home.

By the time Akaashi got home to sun had set, and the cold October air had him shivering. He sighed in relief when he stepped into his warm house.

"Keiji, you're home early!"

Akaashi nodded, his greeting to his mom. "Sora said I was doing good and that we could end early."

"I'm not surprised, you've been practicing a lot recently. How was school?"

"Same as usual. I got the highest score on the literature test."

"That's my boy. Following in your father's footsteps."

Forcing a smile, Akaashi followed his mom into the kitchen. He wasn't surprised that all he was asked about was school and extra curriculars, but that familiar sting was still there.

His mom, like usual, didn't notice his disappointment and carried on with her cooking, occasionally asking him to grab something for her.

"Oh, I meant to ask earlier- have you talked with that boy you're supposed to tutor yet?"

"No. I'm only meant to tutor him if he asks, and he's a third year so I don't have any classes with him."

"But you know who he is?"

"The most popular guy in school," Akaashi muttered.

"Is he nice?"

"I've never actually talked to him, but from what I know he is."

"You should try talking to him. Tutoring will look good for scholarships."

Akaashi nodded, more to himself than his mom. "Yeah, maybe."

WOOOO I'M WRITING ANOTHER FIC BECAUSE I CAN'T FOCUS ON JUST ONE AT ONCE!!!! Anyway yeah here's another Bokuaka au against cause I can, enjoy <3

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