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(Akaashi POV)

Bokuto testified against his mom two weeks ago. She's in prison now, and his dad has apparently been in America. So, Bokuto is officially living with me now, and we've fallen into quite a nice routine of walking home together after school.

I sat in a practice room playing my violin when Bokuto knocked on the door. He poked his head in and grinned.

"Hey, we're done for today. You ready to go home or do you want to play some more?"

I sighed and glanced at my sheet music. I've run through my song at least five times today, although it's still not as good as I'd like. And my concert is in two weeks.

Bokuto crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. "I know that look. I'm sure it sounds better than you think."

"I don't know... My tempo still isn't consistent, and some of the notes sound off."

"Alright, then play it for me."


A reassuring smile formed on Bokuto's face as he shrugged. "Playing in front of someone will calm your nerves!

"I can't."

Bokuto frowned. "Why not?"

"How am I meant to woo you if you hear it before the concert? It won't be much of a surprise if you already know what it sounds like."

"Ohhh, I see. If that's the case then I've decided you're done for the day!"

"Bo..."It's practically impossible to say no to Bokuto when he's pouting. Like he is now. And even harder when I'm as tired as I am.

His eyes softened. "Come on, Akaashi. Let's get some coffee, hm?"


"You know, for someone who loves winter you sure do hate being cold."

Bokuto smirked as he watched my shivering hands grip my coffee cup. I glared at him. "It's not my fault you're a living heater."

"Well if that's the case..." Bokuto wrapped an arm around me and pulled me against him. I smiled when he kissed my forehead. "Better?"

"Much." I looked down at the snow-covered sidewalk and smiled. Bokuto always does his best to try to win at our little game of taking care of each other.

"Heeeey Akaashi!"


"How do you feel about helping me with my trig homework when we get home?"

I squeezed Bokuto's hand and nodded. "Only because you bought me coffee."

He grinned and pulled me even tighter against him. "My darling, you are the best."


Hiii I had absolutely no idea what to do for this chapter but I wanted something wholesome so yeah!!!! 2 more chapters for this fic and then I move on to another hospital au because that's who I am as a person :)

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