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Hey so I decided I am gonna switch to 1st person pov for this fic so eventually I'll rewrite the first few chapters but don't be alarmed by the change starting with this one :) Tw: Violence, kinda graphic descriptions of injuries
(Akaashi POV)

Watching as the sun was setting, I let out a deep sigh. Since I'd gotten home I'd been thinking about Bokuto's offer, and it just didn't make any sense to me. Did the most popular guy in the whole school really not know?

I glanced at my ankle, more specifically the light scars that stood out Against my tan skin. I'd just assumed everyone knew about what happened- with all of the pity I was given even two years later, how could he not?

I blinked a few times and turned my attention back to the books in front of me. I'd been trying to study for a test for over an hour, but the memories kept interrupting my thoughts.

I didn't do anything wrong. I was just in the park, playing volleyball with my friends when they came.

I looked between the kids glaring at me and frowned. Do they need help with something? "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. We have a problem."

"What is it?"


As soon as they said that, my friends left. And then the other kids grabbed me. I tried to get out of their grip but it was no use, there was five of them and one of me.

I winced as they threw me to the ground, and they laughed at me. Then they started screaming at me, for my skill as a setter, for my good grades, basically everything. I covered my ears, hoping that they would stop. They didn't.

Instead two of them continued to hold me down while the others grabbed big rocks that were lying around and smashed them into my ankle.

"Can't play volleyball now, can you? Finally you won't be Mr good at everything."

Hot tears fell down my face as I heard bone crack, and an awful pain shot through my leg. I just want them to stop. What did I do to them?

By the time they left my leg was a complete mess, and I nearly vomited when I saw the bone sticking out from my ankle. And the blood... There's a lot of blood... Is my head bleeding too?


I jumped a bit when I heard my mom call my name, and my head snapped towards my door.

"Your father and I are going out now. You can eat once you've finished studying. Don't stay up too late, okay?"


My mom frowned. She probably ankle, which I barely ever expose.

"Are you okay, Keiji? Does your ankle hurt?"

"I'm fine. It hasn't hurt for ages."

"I know, but sometimes you still limp a bit."

"I promise I'm okay. Go have fun with dad." I tried to give my mom a reassuring smile, and it looks like it worker.

"Well alright then, call if you need anything."

I nodded and took my glasses off as soon as my mom closed the door. Sighing, I rubbed at my eyes until I heard a buzz. My phone screen lit up, and I smiled to myself when I saw a text from Bokuto.

New Text From: Bokuto (7:39pm):
Heeeey Akaashi!!!

Hi Bokuto.

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