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And now begins the fun game of seeing how many chapters I write on this awful bus ride! (Update: this is the only one!)

"Keiji is sick?"

"Um, yes ma'am." I nodded and glanced at Akaashi, who'd fallen asleep in my car after his fever got worse. I looked back at his mom and frowned. "He has a terrible fever, and he almost passed out."

"Well, thank you for bringing him home."

I nodded again and turned around, but quickly looked back at Akaashi's mom.

"You should probably know that he uh, he didn't finish that big test he had. He was sick before it even started, and he tried to finish it, but I think that made it worse. He feels horrible about that."

The woman in front of me sighed. "I want my son to get good grades as much as any mom does, but that poor boy... His father puts too much pressure on him. Thank you again, Bokuto."

I shrugged. "It was no trouble, I would do anything for him." I went back to my car and woke Akaashi up. "Hey, we're at your house."

"Thanks,"Akaashi mumbled tiredly. I helped him out of the car and pulled him into a quick hug.

"Text me if you need anything, okay?"



I have to say, I wasn't expecting a text at 1am on a Saturday, especially from Akaashi. Although reading it, it made sense. Apparently his dad was called out on an emergency business trip to America, and his mom, knowing full well how sick he is, still decided to go with his dad. And leave him all alone.

Of course I told him I'd be there as soon as possible, but I was interrupted when I went downstairs and saw my dad.


"Oh, hey. What are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

My dad sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm taking care of something I should've a long time ago."


"I'm filing for divorce with your mom. I knew sometimes she got drunk, but I never realized how often she did, or that she actually hurt you. I didn't know until the other night when she was drunk and screaming at me. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know. I guess I thought you knew."

"What? No, no I thought the bruises we're from volleyball practice or something. I had no idea..."

I shrugged. "Well it'll get better now. Oh um, I guess I never answered your question. My friend is really sick, and he needs me."

"At one in the morning? If it's that bad then why don't his parents take him to the hospital?"

"Well they actually called a doctor to their house, and she said that it was bad but the only thing she could do is give him medicine that would take a few days to work. And his parents both left, which is why he needs me."

"What kind of parents leave their kid when he needs them?"

I raised a brow, about to say something I shouldn't, and shook my head. "I don't know. I'll be back, sometime."

"Alright. Just be careful out there."



I was expecting Akaashi to be asleep when I got there- especially considering he told me not to worry about coming until morning. But instead he was sitting in his bed, reading.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?"

Akaashi's tired eyes looked up at me. "I'm trying."

"Ah right, sometimes I forget people read to relax." Akaashi's smile was barely visible as I sat down next to him. "You feeling any better?"

"Not really. You know you didn't have to come at... Whatever time it is."

"No offense dude, but I've never seen you look this terrible. Of course I came now. So... How long until your parents are back?"

"A couple days."

I squeezed Akaashi's hand and smiled. "Well then it's a good thing we have school off for a week! You won't have to be lonely!"

Akaashi sighed and looked away from me. "You don't have to stay here that long."

"But your doctor said you'll need to take medicine multiple times a day, right?"

He nodded, looking down at my hand on his.

"And she said you shouldn't be walking a lot, right?"


"So if your parents are gone, who's gonna help with your medicine and feed you? Other than me, of course."

"Okay, okay." Finally giving in, Akaashi layed his head on my shoulder. My cheeks flushed, for no reason other than the very warm room I am currently in, and I ruffled his hair.

"So, wanna tell me why you're not supposed to walk? Because that sounds more injury related than something from being sick."

Laughing quietly, Akaashi sat up again and pulled his pant leg up to reveal a horrible looking bruise on his bad knee. "Technically both. My headache made me really dizzy, and I fell. She just doesn't want me to fall again. Or cause any more damage to my knee."

"That looks really painful."

"It's been worse. And my head hurts more right now."

Akaashi looked exhausted as he pulled his pant leg back down and yawned.

I frowned and got off the bed, motioning for Akaashi to pull his blankets over his shivering body.

Seeing him like this and trying to take care of him reminds me of how my friends help me whenever my mom hurts me. Maybe that's why I knew Akaashi was about to cry before a single tear formed in his eyes, and why I instantly sat next to him again and pulled him into a hug. I don't think it's exactly good that he reminds me of myself.

"What can I do to help you sleep?"

That's when he started crying, the way I do when Kuroo or Suga or Oikawa hugs me. Our situations may be different, but I can't think being so stressed and overwhelmed because of your parents- and often enough to give you migraines and makes you sick- is any better than my situation.

"Just stay with me. Please." Akaashi sniffled as he layed down, me following and wrapping my arms around him.

"I will, I promise."

It only took a couple minutes for Akaashi to fall asleep after that. And watching as his chest slowly rose and fell, I couldn't keep it in anymore.

"I love you, Akaashi."

Hi hi please ignore this terrible writing it was done at 1am on a crowded bus when I was running on negative 4 hours of sleep!!! (And ofc because it's me I had to include sickness at some point in this so here you go) Anyway the story is gonna start to pick up from here so start expecting romance and more angst soon!

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