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You know what? It's ANGST time!
(Akaashi POV)

Nothing feels right. My head hurts, I'm dizzy, and I'm almost positive I have a fever. To make matters worse, we only have fifteen more minutes to finish this test, and I've only answered three questions.

I wiped at the tears forming in my eyes and tried to focus on the papers in front of me. I promised my parents I would do good on this test, that I would get the best score. Even if I hadn't promised that, they'd expect it of me anyway. So I just need to get through these last few minutes, and then I can go to the nurse.

But... I sighed when I looked at all of the unanswered questions. There's no way I'll come even close to finishing this test.

I walked over to my teacher, handed her my test and told her I didn't feel well, and left. I didn't wait for her to say anything, didn't look up to see her face. I just left.

Despite feeling awful, the nurse is the last place I want to go. So instead I went to one of the practice rooms in the music area. After all, there's never a lot of people there, and I don't know where else to go.

(Bokuto POV)

As soon as I finished my test, which I think I did pretty good on thanks to Akaashi, I made my way to the practice rooms where I forgot a hoodie a few days ago.

I paused when I heard heavy breathing and... Crying? Poking my head into one of the rooms, my heart immediately sunk.


Green, watery eyes looked up at me from where Akaashi sat against the wall. He buried his face in his arms, and I crouched down in front of him.

"Akaashi, what's wrong?"

He didn't answer, but he looked at me again, red faced and gasping between his sobs.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. Take a deep breath, you're gonna make yourself sick if you keep that up."  I brushed his hair out of his face and winced when my fingers brushed his forehead. "You have an awful fever, is that what's wrong?"

Akaashi shook his head and finally took a minute to breathe. "The test..."

"What about it?"

"I couldn't finish it... I'm gonna fail, and my parents- I promised them I'd get the top score-" Akaashi wiped at his tears- "They're going to be disappointed, and yell, and I hate when they yell-"

"Akaashi, you're sick. They can't be mad at you for that."

"But they will be," he sniffed. "Especially my dad. They think... They think I should always do the best I can, no matter what, but my head hurts so bad I can barely think."

I think my heart broke a little bit with every word that Akaashi said. "I know, I know." I ran a hand through Akaashi's hair. "Listen, I know that you did all you could. And if you're parents don't realize that then that's their own fault. But me, and Suga, Oikawa, and all of your other friends, and even the people in this school, know how incredible you are."

I didn't know it was possible, but the look on my friend's face shattered my heart even more. I'd known that he worried about his grades, and that his parents were strict about them, but I had no idea it was bad enough to leave him having a panic attack in a dark room.



"May I hold you?"

"Huh?" Akaashi's eyes widened a bit.

"Well, when I'm sad hugs always make me feel better, so I thought a hug might help you too."

Akaashi nodded and whispered quietly, "A hug would be nice."

"Say no more."

I pulled Akaashi into a tight hug and held him as he slowly stopped shaking. His tears soaked into my shirt, but I don't mind- whatever helps him is okay with me.



"Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. Do you want me to take you home?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

"Of course I wouldn't."

Taking a deep breath, I prayed I wouldn't regret what I was about to do. And then I kissed Akaashi's forehead. It was quick and gentle, but for the first time since I found him Akaashi smiled for a second. So I'll take that as a win.

"To help the fever," I said and winked. "Now let's get you home, huh?"

I definitely, 100%, did NOT channel my own worries over grades and stuff into this. That is definitely not something I would ever do! Anyway comforting Bokuto makes me happy so yeah :)

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