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Well, time for more angst!! Enjoy!!

(Bokuto POV)


"Yes, Kou?"

"Were you drinking again?"


I sighed at my mom's blatant lie, staring at the two empty wine bottles on the counter.

My mom walked into the room with a big smile, totally oblivious of my distress. "Honey, I think we should have another movie tonight. Especially since your father will finally be home!"

"We can watch a movie... But not with dad."


Frowning, I nodded to my phone. "He just texted. He won't be home until you're gone."


"His flight got cancelled, and the next one back isn't for two more days," I muttered. Trying to calm my mom before she gets mad, I motioned to my phone again. "He said we could face time though. He's free all night, so we even could have him watch the movie with us over the phone."

My mom glared at me, though with how drunk she is her eyes are barely focused. "Oh just forget it! If he wants to lie and make excuses then I'll just ignore him!"

I ran a hand through my hair and frowned. "He's not lying, mom. I promise."

"Of course he is. And you are too! You both hate me!"


"I see the way you look at me. Everytime you bother to glance my way you look disgusted! It kills you to spend time with me, doesn't it? It kills you, because you think I'm the world's worst mother. But if that's the case then why don't we talk about the world's worst son?"

"Mom, please calm down."

"Why should I!?"

I flinched when she yelled. She noticed, and smirked.

"Of course. You're afraid of me." Turning around, my mom stormed out of the kitchen. I followed her, nervous when she entered my room.

"It makes sense that I scare you though. I bet you we're afraid I would find this, weren't you?" She opened my desk drawer and pulled out a picture of me and Akaashi. "You hate me. You're disgusted by me. But how do you think I feel when I see this?"

I took a deep breath and gently grabbed my mom's hand. "He's the kid that tutors me. He's just a friend. We took that picture as a celebration for me getting a ninety on my trig test. That's all."

"I raised you better than to be a liar, Kou." She pulled her hand out of mine and slapped me. "At first I didn't believe it. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made!"

She tore my picture apart and threw the crumpled pieces to the ground. And then before I could blink, she slammed me against my wall, her nails digging into my arms.

I winced in pain as blood dripped down my arm.

"You're not a real man! You're a gross, lying piece of shit! I regret ever giving birth to you."

I don't know what to do. I can't push her, with how drunk she is she'll definitely fall and hit her head. I shouldn't care. Not with how she treats me, but still... I do.

Second's later I closes my eyes right before her fist hit my eye. It kept going, a slap or a punch in a new spot every few seconds. Sometimes she even scratched me, and I felt the sting of my skin splitting open, soaking my shirt with blood. And still I could do nothing but sit on the floor with my arms covering my face, hoping she would stop.

"You can't even stand up for yourself... You're truly pathetic."

That was the last thing she said before passing out, either from being drunk or the exhaustion of hitting me. I'm not sure which.

Not knowing what else to do, I stumbled to the kitchen, grabbed my phone, and left. I didn't bother checking on my mom. Instead I just texted the one person I could think of.

(Akaashi POV)

By the time I got back from my violin lessons, I had five unread texts from Bokuto. Is he really that bored?

My smile faded as soon as I opened my texts, and my heart dropped.

Bokuto: 8:47pm
I need help
I'm at the park
There's so much blood

I dropped my violin case at the entrance to my house and turned around, running to the park. I didn't bother to answer my parents when they asked where I was going- my heart was beating too fast, and all I could think about was getting to him.

When I finally found him, he was sitting on a bench. Crying. I've never seen him cry. As I got closer, the blood and bruises all over him made me sick.

"Bokuto? Bokuto, what happened? Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

He didn't answer, instead he just pulled me into a hug and sobbed into my shoulder. I ran a hand through his hair, trying to ignore the trail of blood in the snow that leads to him.

"You're freezing, Bokuto. Please tell me so I can help you and get you out of the cold."

"My... My mom... "

"She did all of this?"

"Yeah," he sniffled. "She found out."

Tears fell from my eyes when I heard those words. Because of me. All of this... "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. Don't cry, okay?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Where is she now?"

"Passed out. She was drunk."

I pulled away only enough to look at his face.  "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Bokuto shook his head. "I hate hospitals."

"My house then? My mom is a doctor, and you really need to be looked at."



"Oh my god, what happened to him," my mom gasped.

"I'll tell you later. But please help him. He hates hospitals, but he's bled so much, and he was out in the cold for a long time."

"Of course." My mom helped Bokuto into her bedroom, leaving me alone with my dad."

"Keji, what's going on?"

"Bokuto is my boyfriend."


"We didn't want to tell anyone because, well his mom did that to him. For that reason. And I was gonna tell you and mom, but I was worried if I did his mom would somehow find out and-"

"Breathe, Keji. I'm not upset about that."

"You're not?"

My dad chuckled. "Would you believe me if I told you I had a boyfriend in high school?"


"Mhm. But let's talk about that later. You said Bokuto's mom did that to him?"

"Yes. And he didn't know what else to do, so he texted me. Could you call the police? He said she was passed out when he left."

"Of course I will. We can also have him stay here until it's safe for him to go home."

I pulled my dad into a quick hug and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. Why don't you go check on him now, okay?"



Mmm don't you just love angst? Cause I do! I don't know how many more chapters are left in this but I'd say at least 5, 2 of which will probably be sad so yeah!! :)

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