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(Akaashi POV)

Akaashi hummed quietly to himself as he walked through the empty school halls. He'd decided to stay late to practice his violin on his own, and managed to enjoy a peaceful evening without anyone around. Until a spikey haired third year ran up to him.

"Hey hey hey!" Akaashi stopped as the captain of the volleyball team stopped in front of him. "You're that super smart guy that plays violin right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Oh good, I've been trying to find you actually. I don't think I'm gonna need to be tutored."


The owl looking boy nodded. "I  have a friend that's been helping me. Sorry."

Akaashi sighed in relief. "You don't need to apologize. If you needed help I would've gladly tutored you, but I can't say I'm disappointed. I'm pretty busy so it's no problem."

"So this works out for both of us!"

"Mhm." Akaashi nodded and continued walking, thinking the conversation was over. He was so wrong.

Yellow eyes stared at Akaashi as the two made their way through the empty hall. Eventually Akaashi yielded and glanced at the tall boy. "Do you need something?"

"What's your name? Someone told me before but I don't remember."

"Akaashi Keiji."

"Cool name! I'm Bokuto Koutaro!"

"So Bokuto, what uh, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm waiting for practice to start. And since you're here I figured I'd talk to you."

"I thought the volleyball team practiced right after school?"

Bokuto shrugged. "Normally we do but coach had a meeting and I didn't feel like going home and coming back. So I decided to just walk around! Convenient huh?"

A small smile spread across Akaashi's face. Bokuto is kind of loud, but he's also just as nice as people say. "Yeah, pretty convenient." He glanced at his phone and winced. He was definitely going to be home late. "Um, I have to get home, but it was nice meeting you. If you change your mind about the tutoring or have any questions or anything you can ask me."

"Alright, later Akaashi!"



"You're late."

"I'm sorry."

"A person can't be successful if they're late, Keiji."

Akaashi nodded. "I'm sorry dad. I was talking to that boy I was meant to tutor."


"He turned down my offer for now, but he said if he changes his mind or has a question he'll come to me. Apparently he has someone else that's been helping him without his teacher knowing."

Akaashi's dad sighed. "That's a shame."

"Maybe, but now I'll have more time to study myself."

"What for? You're the top of all of your classes."

'True, but if I don't keep working it won't stay that way for long." Akaashi held his breath as he watched his father. His parents could be strict about his grades and work ethic, they wanted him to be as successful as they are.

"Ha! That's my boy!" His dad grinned, patting his shoulder approvingly. Akaashi smiled too as relief washed over him- he really didn't want to be scolded tonight. His dad never yelled, but his calm anger was nerve wracking. "You know what? I'm cooking dinner tonight, why don't you pick what you want? I'll make anything."


"Sounds like a plan."

(Bokuto POV)

"Dad, I'm home!"


Bokuto's eyes widened as he turned to face the voice that called him that stupid nickname. "Mom?"

"I can't believe it's been six months since I've seen you! You look so grown up, and you're really starting to build up some muscle huh?"

"What are you doing here?"

Bokuto's mom stumbled over to him, clearly drunk. She was always drunk. "Oh come on Ko, the first time you see me in half a year and this is how you say hi? I'm hurt."

"Hi mom."

"That's more like it." She placed a hand on Bokuto's shoulder, and it took everything he had not to flinch. Instead he forced a smile and placed a hand over his mom's.

"You've been drinking."

"So what?"

"Does dad know?"

"He knows I'm here." So no. "But he got called into work, so it's just you and me tonight."

Sighing, Bokuto led his mom into the kitchen. "It's getting late. Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I thought I'd like to cook with you. For old times sake."

Oh, god. Bokuto wanted nothing to do with his mom, much less his past with her.

"Well, what do you want to eat?"

His mom shrugged. "Anything is fine." She watched as Bokuto starter cooking, her dark eyes watching his every move. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't terrified. "So, Ko darling, do you have a girlfriend yet?"


"Don't tell me you're still thinking about boys. Honestly the thought of that is disgraceful-"

"I'm not thinking about anyone, mom. I'm just too busy to date."

"Busy with what?"

Bokuto sighed. "Volleyball, getting my grades up. I'll find someone when I find someone."

"And that someone will be a girl, right?"

"That's the plan."

"Good." Bokuto watched as his mom poured a glass of wine, and he couldn't help but wonder what number that was. "I wouldn't want you ending up like that fuck up of a boy Kuroo."

"Kuroo is not a fuck up!" Bokuto regretted yelling as soon as he started, but it was too late. In an instant his mom was in front of him, one hand digging into his arm and the other slapping his face.

"Don't you dare raise your voice with me. I raised you better than that."

"I'm sorry. Please let go, mom."

Bokuto's mom eased her grip on him, but not before piercing his skin, causing blood to fall onto the floor.

"You better be damn sorry. I'll finish cooking. You go to your room until I call you out, and don't even think about arguing with me."

"Okay, " Bokuto muttered as he placed a hand over his bleeding arm. He nodded and made his way to his room silently, stopping only when his mom called out to him.

"Oh, and Ko, I'm going to fight to get custody of you. It's obvious your father isn't raising you correctly."

Bokuto tried to block out his mother's voice, refusing to listen. He'd rather die than stay with his mom.

Okay listen, I was going to make this a happy fic. But angst. (Dw it won't be as angsty as my hospital aus or an Iwaoi fic I'm working on) Soooo yeah. This will be mostly fluff still but also lots of angst because I can :)

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