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(Akaashi POV)

I watched silently as Bokuto set up the volleyball net in the empty gym. It's a strange feeling, being here. Only half of the lights are on and it feels almost lonely with just two people.

"Bokuto, are you sure this is allowed?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah." The third year looked at me and grinned. "I do this all the time. But if you don't want to do this we don't have to."

My head was telling me to leave, to go study instead, but...

I sighed and shook my head. "No, I want to." It'd be a lie if I said I'm not anxious, but I haven't played in so long, and I do miss it.

"Then what are you waiting for? Get over here!"

I walked over to Bokuto and laughed softly as he bounced in excitement. Honestly I find it endearing how he gets happy so easily.

He picked up a volleyball and tossed it from hand to hand, looking me over. "I know it's been a long time since you've played, so don't worry about doing good, kay? This is just for fun, so don't stress yourself out."


Bokuto ran to the back of the court, grinned, and tossed the ball to me. I took a deep breath as it got closer. I know the techniques. I've done this hundreds of times before.

I saw Bokuto run up to the net from the corner of my eye, and as soon as he was across from me I set the ball. It wasn't a good set. It was far too close to him, and at an awkward angle. Yet somehow he managed to hit it across the net.

"Ah, sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Bokuto looked at me, his warm smile comforting. "I hit it, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did."

We spent about an hour doing that same thing over again, and by the end I definitely had made a few good sets. Eventually we had to stop though, because at this point neither of us would be home until after midnight.

Bokuto quickly cleaned up while I sat down for a bit to rest my ankle. When he finished he flashed me a smile and helped me up.


"No problem. You okay?"

"Yeah, it's just been awhile since I've run around so much. I definitely pushed myself a bit too hard, but I'll be fine."

"Well then," Bokuto opened the gym door and grinned, "Shall we?"

(Bokuto POV)

I frowned as I made my way home, Akaashi by my side. I offered to walk him home, but he lives further away from the school than me. That's not the problem though. The problem is the limp in Akaashi's walk.

"Don't worry about it, Bokuto."


Akaashi shot me an amused glanced. "You keep glancing at my leg and frowning. A real frown, not your usual pouty one."

"Yeah, yeah, alright." I decided to change the subject, since my friend really didn't seem to be bothered by his limp. "So do you actually like to play violin, or do you just do it as an academic thing?"

"I love to play. I have since I was little, and after the accident it became a big comfort for me. Even now it's a stress reliever," Akaashi murmured. His pretty eyes sparkled as he spoke.

I smiled. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. I've heard you play before. You're freaking amazing dude."

"You've... Heard me play before? How?"

Ah, shit. He won't believe I've been to one of his concerts (even I wouldn't believe that), but I don't want anyone to know why I was in the music hall...

"I uh, I've heard you when I've walked past the practice rooms before. One time the door was open a bit and I saw you. I didn't actually know it was you at the time though."

"Ah." Akaashi smiled softly. "Thanks. For tonight, I mean. And the compliment. But I haven't been able to do something like this in ages. It was nice."

We stopped outside of my house, a single light on outside to welcome me home. That means my dad is home but my mom isn't. Good.

"Thanks for coming and staying out so late. We should definitely play together again soon!"

"Mm, I'd like that. Goodnight Bokuto."

"Night Akaashi!"

Okay I know I said I'd update a chapter a day but I'm a chronically ill, constantly stressed teenager who decided to take 4 college classes in my jr year so that's definitely not gonna happen. But hopefully a couple times a week maybe :)

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