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(Bokuto POV)


A soft smile appeared on my friend's face when he looked up from his book. We'd agreed to meet in the library for lunch, and he patted a spot next to him on the couch.

"Hey." Akaashi sat his book down and rubbed his eyes. He looks so tired, but somehow happy at the same time. "I missed you."

I felt my face flush and quickly looked away. I know he didn't mean it like that- I mean he said it so casually, but still. Maybe in all of her manic screaming last night my mom was right about something.

"I would miss me too."

Akaashi laughed, a hand covering his mouth. "Four days without me and it looks like you've had a massive ego boost. Again."

I shrugged. "What can I say? I spiked every ball perfectly for an entire set at practice yesterday."

"Oh really?"

"Of course!" I glanced at the book on Akaashi's lap. It looks like he wasn't just reading for pleasure, which is unacceptable because you're supposed to relax during lunch. "Hey do you want to sit with my friends and me for lunch from now on? Since you mentioned before that you're almost always in here."

Akaashi ran a hand through his fluffy hair, something I've noticed he does a lot when he's thinking. "I don't want to intrude on you guys-"

"Don't be ridiculous! You wouldn't be intruding! You're my friend, and Suga and Oikawa have both said they'd like to meet you sometime."

"Well if you're sure, then yeah I'd like that."

"Great, come on then!"

I grabbed Akaashi's hand and dragged him to the cafeteria, where we waited. And waited.

Eventually my friends appeared, Suga dragging Oikawa.

"Sorry we're late," Suga said with an exasperated sigh. "Oikawa wouldn't stop flirting."

"I was not flirting!"

Suga gave Oikawa a knowing look and sat down to face me and Akaashi, Oikawa doing the same.

"I'm assuming you're Akaashi, right?"

Akaashi smiled, as soft and polite as always, and nodded. "Yep."

Suga returned an equally cute smile. "It's great to finally meet you."

"Yeah, Bokuto hasn't shut up about you, so you must really be something special. He's normally only like that about professional volleyball players and stuff." Oikawa winked at Akaashi, earning a glare from Suga. Okay, there's definitely something going on between those two.

"Thanks for letting me sit with you guys."

I raised a brow. "I thought I already told you not to worry about that. Besides, it was their idea."


"Well I know you like some alone time whenever you can get it so I didn't want to bother you."

Oikawa nodded. "We told him that was crazy though. Friends are supposed to enjoy each other's company after all."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I glanced between Akaashi and Suga and grinned. "You know Akaashi, you and Suga share a lot of interests."

Green eyes glanced from me to my gray haired friend. "Really?"

"You play the violin right? I played when I was younger."

"You don't anymore?"

Suga shook his head and smiled at Akaashi. "My teacher quit giving lessons, and I never found another one that I clicked with. Then I got busy between volleyball and babysitting."

"Ah." Akaashi looked down at his uneaten food. "Honestly, I've considered quitting."

My eyes widened as I looked at Akaashi, Suga and Oikawa doing the same. "Why? You're amazing, and you look so happy when you play."

"When I get to play for me I'm happy. But my parents... Mm, they just make it stressful sometimes."

"My parents are pretty easy going, so I might not be the best person to give this advice, but..." Oikawa gave Akaashi a kind smile. "Even when they make you play, just pretend they're not there. Even if they're around, play for you."

I looked between my friends with raised brows. "Okay one, how is it that you both already love Akaashi but it took you weeks to warn up to me? And two, Oikawa, since when do you actually give good advice."

Suga laughed. "As much as we love you Bokuto, Akaashi doesn't yell all of the time. It's easy to get to know people when everyone can get a word in."

"Mhm. And for your advice, I'm always helpful you asshole."

"Akaashi, they're bullying me, " I whined, glancing at the second year. He giggled and patted my hand.

"There there, it will be okay."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

Akaashi's eyes sparkled as he looked at me. "Me? Be sarcastic? I would never."

I was about to say something else when the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. When I looked down at our table I saw that none of us had eaten.

Oikawa sighed and stood up. "Well, looks like practice is going to be extra painful with our empty stomachs."

"Yeah, but it was worth it. See you two later." Suga waved goodbye and ushered Oikawa out of the cafeteria.

Akaashi glanced between me and them. "Are they dating?"

"I'm... Not sure." I shrugged and smiled at Akaashi. "I'll tell you if I find out they are. Oh, before you go to whatever class, I was wondering  if you'd wanna come to our match on Friday?"

"Is it after school?"

"Yep, right after. And it's here, so you wouldn't have to worry about finding a way to get there."

Smiling, Akaashi nodded and started to walk away. "I'll think about it."

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