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I'd just like to say I'm starting this chapter at like 5:55am before school so please have mercy on me if I make a mistake I also have to give a speech today so I'm trying to get my nerves out with this :') (Update from future me, I got a 91 on my speech which is really good considering my horrible social anxiety and shyness) Anyway no trigger warnings for this chapter.
(Bokuto POV)

Bokuto was in trig, his least favorite class, when a familiar black haired boy walked in. A grin spread across his face when Akaashi waved at him before pulling the teacher to the side to talk to him.

It'd been a few weeks since Bokuto first talked to Akaashi, and since then the two had bumped into each other on the halls almost every day and talked for a bit. It was nice.

As Akaashi seemed to be finishing his conversation with the teacher, Bokuto glanced at the clock. Only two minutes left in class, and school would be over for the day too.

"Hey Akaashi! Wait for me outside the class!"

"Oh... Sure."

As soon as class ended Bokuto bottled to the hallway and smiled at Akaashi. "Hey!"

"Hi Bokuto. Did you need something?"

"Would you consider us friends?" Akaashi met Bokuto's gaze, and Bokuto could have sworn his face heated up a bit.

"I think so. I mean we have been talking quite a bit."

Bokuto grinned. He was really hoping Akaashi would say that. "Well, friends usually have each other's phone number right?"

Akaashi nodded, his soft eyes looking down at his phone. "I don't check my phone a lot, but I can try to answer whenever you text me if I'm not at my violin lessons."

"Works for me!" Bokuto and Akaashi walked through the emptying halls, heading towards the gym. "Hey Akaashi, are you busy today?"

"Not really. Why?"

"Well one of our setters is sick today, and the other is out with an injured knee. And I've heard some rumors that you played setter in middle school, so I was wondering if you'd want to set for us today?"

Bokuto watched as Akaashi's eyes widened and winced. Did he say something wrong?


"Sorry, Bokuto, I can't."

Trying not to show his disappointment, Bokuto nodded. "Eh, don't worry about it. I did spring you on this last minute. But... Did you play in middle school?"


"Cool! Maybe you and I could play together sometime."

"Mhm, maybe." Bokuto thought he saw Akaashi frown for a second, but a soft smile quickly reappeared on his face. "I'll let you get to practice now. See you later Bokuto."

"See ya!"

Bokuto waved goodbye to his friend and kept walking to the gym. The whole time he couldn't stop thinking about Akaashi. The second year seemed almost scared when he'd heard the mention of volleyball. Bokuto shrugged. He was probably over thinking this.

"Hey Bokuto! You're gonna be late, hurry up!" Bokuto grinned when he saw his pretty gray-haired friend waiting for him.

"Suga! I thought you were sick?"

"It was just a headache, I'm feeling better now. So, why are you late?" Suga questioned.

"I got distracted."

"Talking Akaashi I assume?"

"How did you know?"

Suga gave Bokuto an amused smile. "You've been talking about him a lot recently. I'm pretty sure Oikawa thinks you have a crush on him."

"Really? I've only talked to him a couple times."

"Sometimes that's all it takes. Oh and by the way, Oikawa said the doctor should be clearing him to play again soon."

"Hell yeah! We'll be back to having two setters!" Bokuto was practically jumping in excitement over his team being complete again.

"Yeah, but we're not gonna have a captain if you don't go get changed."

"Alright alright, I'm going."

Kinda short chapter cause I wanna try to post 1 a day so yeah :) So originally I was going to keep character's in their original schools for this fic but then I changed my mind (as you can see) so expect some pretty setter squad + Bokuto and Kuroo stuff in this :)
Also quick question, do y'all prefer 3rd person or 1st person POV? I usually write in 3rd but I know a lot of people prefer 1st for fanfics and stuff so I'll happily change it if y'all want!

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