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There are very, very few things that make Akaashi yell, especially in excitement. But watching Bokuto score point after point during finals is definitely one of those things.

Bokuto heard Akaashi and looked for him in the stands. He grinned for just a second before focusing on the match and making yet another beautiful spike.

"Fukurodani only needs three more points to win," Akaashi muttered. He looked to the seat next to him where Kuroo sat. "Do you think they can get all three without losing the ball?"

Kuroo sighed, looking nervous. "I hope so. The game is neck and neck, and if they lose their momentum..."

"Yeah. It would be bad."


Akaashi pulled Bokuto into a tight hug, ignoring the fact that he is absolutely soaked in sweat. It cheered Bokuto up a little bit.

"You did so good," Akaashi whispered.

"Even though we lost?"

"You may not have won, but in that last set alone you scored fifteen points. I think that's pretty amazing."

"Oh yeah?" Bokuto smiled. "Maybe losing wasn't all that bad then."

His boyfriend grabbed his hand and looked up at him. "So you're okay?"

Bokuto laughed. "I mean I'm bummed we didn't win. But second at Nationals is still pretty amazing. And, I've been informed that I scored more point than any other player in this tournament!"

"Well, you are the best." Akaashi smiled. "Now go get a shower. I love you, but you stink and I can't have you smelling like that during my concert."

"If I didn't know how much you love me I would be offended." Bokuto kissed Akaashi and squeezed his hand. "See you in a few hours darling."


Akaashi always looks pretty. But when he's on stage, in a suit, he looks absolutely radiant.

Bokuto just found out that this concert is also a competition- Akaashi wanted it to be a surprise- which explains why he was so stressed about it for weeks. But he didn't look even slightly nervous while he was playing. He looked comfortable and happy, and he even winked at Bokuto.

Plus, he sounds amazing.

As soon as Akaashi had finished, Bokuto went back to the changing room and hugged him. "You were perfect."

"Why thank you. There's a few more people left to go, but after that it'll be at least an hour until the results are posted. Wanna get some food?"

"Food and hot chocolate?"

Akaashi laughed and led Bokuto to the food stands set up in the lobby. "And hot chocolate."


"Second? You should have won!" Bokuto crossed his arms and glared at the score sheet.

"Bokuto, it's fine. I still have another year, my big win can be saved for my last."

"Ahh, but you could've won two years in a row!"

Akaashi smiled softly. "My love, I got second. And I'm okay with it, because you got second too. We did it together."

"Well when you put it that way..." Bokuto pulled Akaashi into a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now how about we get some chocolate pie?"

"You read my mind."

The end!!! :)

I hope y'all enjoyed this story :) I struggles with this ending cause I knew what I wanted but not how to write it but y'all deserved an ending after so many months! Also if you understand the chocolate pie reference then you've earned a gold medal! Now onto more, probably sad fics :)

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