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(Bokuto POV)

Uh oh. Akaashi looks upset. Really, really upset.

"Akaashi, my darling, what's wrong?"

The black haired boy looked at me with a frown. "The day of my concert was pushed back."

"Oh." I sat up and scooted closer to him. "Isn't that a good thing? I mean you wanted to practice more."

Akaashi shook his head. "It would be, but... It's January tenth."

My eyes widened. "Ohh- that's the first day of nationals!"


"Well you don't need to worry about that," I said. Akaashi raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. "The first round starts at nine A.M, and there's only one on the first day. And if your concert isn't until seven then there's plenty of time for both of us to watch each other!"

Akaashi finally relaxed and layed his head on my shoulder. "You are just full of wisdom recently."

"I know!" I bent down and kissed Akaashi. "Now promise me you won't worry. We'll get to see each other do our things!"

"Yeah, you're right."

Sighing, Akaashi stood up and started cleaning up his homework.  When he finished he looked back at me. "Bokuto."


"Will you sleep in my room tonight?"

"Do you even need to ask?" I followed Akaashi into his ridiculously big bed and layed next to him after turning his lamp off.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently, something he always does when he's too tired to actually say I love you.

I smiled and used my free hand to cover Akaashi with his blankets. "I love you too."


Gotta love a nice short chapter :') I'm so very close to finishing this but man is life busy, and I always struggle writing when I'm leading up to the end of a story. Next chapter will be longer though because I actually have it planned out :)

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