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(Bokuto POV)

After three hours of nonstop questions, the police finally left me and Akaashi alone and went to talk to his parents. They were nice, and patient, but it was still stressful. And it's funny how after being so stressed I can suddenly feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"Bokuto?" Akaashi's voice was so soft, almost like he thought talking too loud would break me. The same voice I use with him when he has his panic attacks.

I smiled at his gentleness. "Yeah?"

"When's the last time you ate?"

"Umm... I dunno, a couple hours before all this?"

With how concerned he was, Akaashi looked like a sad puppy. And I don't think my answer helped with that.

"Akaashi, you know I'm okay, right?"

"But are you really? I mean she hurt you and-"

"I'm not saying I'm not, you know, in pain, or anything. And yeah I'm upset. But... At the same time I feel like it can just be over now. So there's some relief, you know? Don't be so worried darling."

Akaashi sighed. "Only you could sound so upbeat when talking about this. But if you're sure..." He pulled me into a tight hug. "Just don't forget that it's okay not to be okay. Even if you feel fine now."

"I won't."

"Good." He pulled away and looked around his giant kitchen. "I never finished my other question. Are you hungry?"

I raised a brow. "When am I not?"

Smiling, Akaashi rolled his eyes. "What do you want to eat? I can get pretty much anything."

"Well... "


A knock on the door woke me up, and I opened my eyes to see Akaashi's mom.

"How are you feeling sweetie?"

"Much better, thank you. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused."

Akaashi's mom shook her head. "Don't apologize. You helped Keiji when his father and I couldn't, it's only fair we help you." She looked out the window behind my head and smiled. "Speaking of, he should be back soon. So how about I check up on those stitches and then you can eat, okay?"

Akaashi got back as soon as his mom finished checking up on me and took me back to the kitchen. He had his usual soft smile as he balanced two bags, a box, and two cups.


"I know it's a lot, but... You're hungry. I'm hungry.  And it's been a long day." Akaashi sat one of the cups in front of me. "Hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, just how you like it. I also got a bunch of onigiri from Osamu- Kuroo called him for me. And I got chocolate pie since you said it's your favorite."

"You payed for all of this?"

Akaashi shrugged. "It was no problem. Oh! I also got you a hoodie and a pair of jeans, just until you're ready to get stuff from your house, a toothbrush, and all that stuff."

"You really didn't have to do all that."

Akaashi gave me a look- the closest I've ever seen to him glaring- and a second later he was hugging me. "I'm not gonna let you deal with all of this by yourself, okay? I don't know what I can say to help you feel better, so let me do this. Please."

"Okay, " I whispered. "Thank you."

"I love you Bokuto." Akaashi held on to me for a few more seconds before pulling away. "Now drink your hot chocolate before it gets cold."

"You don't have to tell me twice."


So!!! It's a short chapter but after months of being at my school all day for musical stuff I am finally free! And schoolwork is winding down for a few of my classes so I should be having a lot more time to write :) I dunno how many more chapters there will be but there will be at least one more kinda depressing one and a few more happy ones so yeah! (I also have another fic I gotta finish but then I think it's time for another Suga fic because he's my favorite and I can)

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