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Hello I started writing this on Akaashi's birthday which means today I give you fluff! As a birthday present!
(Akaashi POV)

Two weeks. It's been two weeks since Bokuto came to take care of me. Since I heard him say that. He doesn't know of course, he thought I was asleep- which I almost was.

I thought I was the only one that got butterflies when we're together, but I guess not. And that makes me happy. But I have no idea how to tell him that.

I shook my head and looked back at the sheet music in front of me. That's a problem for overthinking-at-midnight Akaashi, right now I have to focus on practicing for my concert. Which I did for all of twenty minutes before someone knocked on the practice room door.

Suga's gray head popped into the room and he smiled. "Hey Akaashi, wanna go ice skating?"

"Right now?"

"Yeah! Bokuto was gonna ask you himself but coach wanted to talk to him real quick after practice. He should be about done though."

"I appreciate the offer, but my concert is next week and-"

"And you've been stressing about it and overworking yourself. Again." Suga smiled softly and sat down next to me. "Don't you think we noticed how hard you've been pushing yourself since you got sick? You can't forget that that's part of what made you sick in the first place. And Bokuto has been a bit worried about you. So come have fun, for one night."

I smiled back at Suga and nodded. He's not wrong, I probably do need to take a break... "Alright. But I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea how to skate."

"Don't worry, we'll teach you. Oh yeah- Kuroo and Kenya are coming too. I know Bokuto has been waiting for you to meet them, and I think you'll get along with both of them really well."

"Oh yeah?"

"Definitely." Suga's smile turned into a laugh. "Although, when you put Bokuto, Oikawa and Kuroo together they tend to lose all brain cells. So you'll get a taste of what me and Kenma deal with."

I quickly packed up my violin and followed Suva through the halls.

"Bokuto likes you, you know."

"I would sure help so. I mean we are friends."

"Akaashi, you are not that dense. You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do." I smiled at the look on Suga's face when I admitted it. He looked almost as happy as Bokuto did when I played my violin for him in person the first time. "I heard him say it."

"He told you!?"

Slowly, I shook my head. "Not exactly. He thought I was asleep. I'm pretty sure he did at least. He hasn't brought it up."

"Ah." Suga smiled knowingly. "And do you love him, Akaashi?"


"Akaashi! Suga! Found ya!"

Grinning, Bokuto ran to meet us as soon as we turned a corner. His bright yellow eyes looked me up and down. "So? Are ya coming?"

"I am."

"But he doesn't know how to skate." Suga glanced between me and Bokuto. "We'll have to teach him."

Bokuto grinned, a mischievous look in his eyes. "Oh don't worry, I've got that covered."

I raised a brow. "I don't like the sound of that."

"Nonsense! I'm a great teacher!"

"It's true," Suga sighed, "he is an amazing teacher. At anything not school related." He laughed at the look on Bokuto's face and tilted his head towards the door. "Everyone ready?"


"This is Kuroo."

Kuroo smiled at me. "Hey, nice to meet ya. You're even prettier than Bokuto sai-"

Bokuto slapped Kuroo's shoulder and glared at him before motioning to the smaller boy. "And this is Kenma."

With a small smile, Kenma nodded. "Hi."


"Kenma, do you want to help Akaashi with his skates? I have to talk to Bokuto for a second." I watched as Kuroo squeezed Kenma's hand.

"Yeah, sure." Kenma led me over to a bench where we sat to get our skates on, where he avoided any drawn out eye contact with me. "First time?"

I nodded. "You?"

"I used to skate at least once a month with my family. We still go sometimes, with Kuroo too. Um... Are you and Bokuto dating?"

"Oh, no, we're just friends."

"Ah, sorry."

I shrugged. "You don't need to apologize. I would like for him to be my boyfriend but... Well I'm sure you know about his mom. I wouldn't want her to do something if she found out."

"I get it."

"Hey Akaashi! You ready?" Bokuto smiled and held out a hand.

Nodding, I took his hand and followed him onto the ice. When we got onto the ice he took my other hand and leaned in to my ear.

"Trust me," he whispered. 

I held Bokuto's hands tight as we moved, not looking away from him.

Bokuto's smile softened as he watched me. "Wow, you're a natural. You should've seen the way I stumbled my first time."

"Well, you are holding me. Without you I would be a disaster."

Smirking, Bokuto let go of one of my hands, his grip on the other still tight. "As much as I'd like to put that to the test, I'm afraid you would be correct. And I like this."

"Me too."

(Bokuto POV)

We skated for two hours before Akaashi started getting cold and tired. The others stayed, but me and him decided to go. And boy am I glad for that.

It started snowing for the first time this winter while we were inside, and it's the soft and sparkly kind. Akaashi's favorite.

Akaashi's eyes sparkled as he watched the snow fall, his hands red from the cold. "I hate the cold, but even so I always find snow so beautiful."

"Yeah, not as beautiful as you though."

Akaashi blushed and looked at me. I pulled him into a hug and smiled at his sigh of relief. My warm body must feel good against his cold one.



"Can I...?"


Hearing him say yes felt better than getting the winning spike in a game, and even better than the possibility of winning nationals.

I grabbed Akaashi's face in my hands and kissed him. I can feel both of our hearts beating so fast, but it feels so good.

When we pulled apart Akaashi was smiling brighter than I'd ever seen him smile before- and I can tell I'm mirroring him.

"I love you Bokuto."

"Do you? I couldn't tell." I ran a hand through Akaashi's hair, laughing at what might be the weakest glare I've ever seen. "I love you too Akaashi."

"This is okay, right?"

"Of course. The feeling is mutual, and it's not like other people's opinions will change that. It's okay."

Akaashi wrapped his arms around me. "Good."

"Let's get you some hot chocolate, huh? Even with my incredibly muscular and warm body you're still shivering."

"I'd like that."


I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE I'VE BEEN INCREDIBLY BUSY AND STRESSED WITH SCHOOL AND ALL THAT JAZZ. BUT YAY THEY FINALLY KISSED!!! Hopefully I'll be able to update this a bit quicker now and get a few chapters in over Christmas break!

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