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It's been awhile, huh? I've been meaning to keep working on this for like 3 months but sometimes being a chronically ill 17 year old can make life a pain sooo- enjoy this whenever I do actually update it :)
(Bokuto POV)

"It's already your mom's week to visit again?"

"Unfortunately," I muttered. This is the first time my mom has come to visit since me and Akaashi kissed, and after that, since we got together. And judging by the look on his face, he is really worried about this.

Akaashi frowned. "What if she finds out?"

"She won't." Grabbing Akaashi's hand, I smiled reassuringly. "Everytime she's in town she has to see a doctor. So we can hang out then without her even knowing. I know it's not a lot, but-"

"I don't care as long as you're safe. If it'd be better we don't have to hang out this week."

I sighed and squeezed Akaashi's hand. "No, no. I don't want my mom to control my life. It'll be fine!"

"If you're sure..." Akaashi nodded and smiled, but he didn't look any less worried. Which is understandable, but I hate that he's this nervous because of my mom.

I pulled my boyfriend into a hug and ran a hand through his hair. He's even colder than usual due to his nerves, and the way he sunk into me to warm himself was honestly adorable.

"It'll be fine, really." I pulled away from Akaashi and smiled. "I should probably go now so that you can study for your test."

"Please don't remind me of that."

"Hey, at least your dad loosened up a little bit."

"Only because he realized that if I'm constantly sick from being stressed I'll never get good grades," Akaashi sighed. "See you tomorrow?"

"Right after you ace that test."

Akaashi glared at me. Better than him being so worried. "I will throw you out the window."

"Come on, Kaashi, we both know you don't have the heart for that." I grinned as I got up and made my way to his door, ignoring his pout. "I love you."

"I love you too."


I took a deep breath to prepare myself as I opened the door to my house.

All of the lights were off, but her shoes sat neatly on the mat. "Mom, you home?"

"Oh, Kou dear!" My mom ran out of my room and smiled at me.

"Hi... Why were you in my room?"

"Oh, I've been reading a book on how to be a good mom. So I decided to make your bed for you! I have no idea how you can sleep with it being such a mess."

I shrugged. "Volleyball usually tires me out, so a few wrinkly blankets doesn't bother me."

"Boys are all the same aren't you? Oh well, I guess if you say you're sleeping fine." My mom glanced from me to the TV. "Wanna watch a movie?"

I smiled, happy that she's in a good mood today, and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds nice."

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