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I'm gonna slowly drop hints this chapter and maybe the next one for Bokuto's secret (you know, the one mentioned in the description) so yeah pay extra close attention to any seemingly random things mentioned about him :)

(Bokuto POV)

It's Tuesday now, a few days since me and Akaashi we're hanging out, and I haven't heard from him since. He hasn't been at school either.

Sitting in my living room with Suga and Oikawa, I sighed and glanced at my phone.

Suga noticed and frowned. "Is everything okay? You seem off today."

"Yeah, you've been in your emo mode like all day. Even after you had an amazing practice," Oikawa chimed in.

I nodded, looking away from my phone. "I'm fine. Just kinda worried about Akaashi."

Suga's brown eyes softened, and he nodded in understanding. "Is it because he hasn't been at school this week?"

"How did you know?"

"We're in a college class together."

"Ah. Well, yeah. He never misses. And he hasn't answered my texts either."

Oikawa looked up from his phone and shrugged. "Maybe he's just busy. I mean his parents are kind of rich right? Maybe he went on a business trip with his dad or something."

"I don't think so. Even when he's busy he always answers me right away." I shook my head and smiled at my friends. "I'll worry about that later. Let's finish coming up with formations for our match against Nohebi and then get something to eat."

"Sounds good to me."


I groaned as I stared at the chemistry homework in front of me. Suga and Oikawa left over an hour ago, and of course Kuroo is busy. So I have no one to help me. Humming quietly, I tried to focus on my work. I got all of four questions answered before my phone dinged, and I completely lost my train of thought.

When I looked at my phone, a relieved grin spread across my face.

New text from: Akaashi (10:32pm):

Where have you been??
I missed you!

Sorry. I had a migraine, so I couldn't check my phone.

Bro, are you okay? I've never had a migraine but I've heard they really suck. :(

Don't worry, I'm okay now. How are you doing? I know you called me a lot.
Do you need something?

Nah, I just wanted to talk.

If you want we could facetime?

Sure :D

Okay just give me a few minutes.

I smiled as I changed the music playing from my speakers to something quiter- something that I would probably sing to in the shower or something.

Honestly, I can't wait to call Akaashi. His voice is comforting, and I could really use some comfort when I get back to my homework. If I do.

My phone rang and I immediately answered, smiling when I saw Akaashi's fluffy hair messier than usual.


Akaashi laughed, as adorable as ever, and smiled. "Hi Bokuto."

"God I missed talking to you. I've been stuck listening to Suga talk about cats- he really wants a cat- and Oikawa talking about boys for daaaaays."

"Keep complaining and I'll only talk about cats and boys."

"Do that and I will make you tutor me. Then no more free time for you, only Bokuto time." I smirked as Akaashi rolled his eyes.

"Alright alright you win. So what're you doing?"

I quickly glanced at my homework and shrugged. "Nothing really. You?"

"I was gonna practice my violin, but that can wait a bit-"

"No no, you should play! Right now!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah dude, I said I wanted you to play for me didn't I?"

"Yeah I guess, but I haven't played in almost a week."

"One week without practice does not mean you lost your talent. Trust me, just play like you always do. It's not like I'm gonna judge you or anything."

Akaashi nodded and got up to grab his violin, and a few minutes later he was playing for me. It was beautiful, of course, I expected nothing else. And he looked so at peace as he played, like nothing else brought him as much joy as playing did. I can't help but wonder if that's how I look when I play volleyball. Or when I...


I blinked as Akaashi suddenly stopped playing and glanced at my clock. Oh. He'd been playing for almost an hour, and I was so focused on him that I didn't even notice how much time passed.

"Sorry, Bokuto. My parents are home."

"Eh, don't worry about it. You look tired anyways, and you shouldn't push yourself when you just had a really bad migraine."

"Yeah, I gotta go, but I'll see you in school tomorrow."

"Mhm, see ya."

(Akaashi POV)

I went downstairs to greet my parents, hoping neither of them heard me. If they did I would have a lot of explaining to do. "Welcome home. Did you have a good trip?"

"Keiji, were you playing your violin?"

Dang it. "Oh, yeah. I finished all of the studying and homework that I could do without looking at a screen, and it'd been awhile since I practiced."

My dad looked disappointed and shook his head. "If you can't be bothered to go to school then you shouldn't be playing."

"I called and told you that I had a migraine."

"For three days?"

"They've been longer before. But I promise I did all of the work I could. I can show you if you'd like."

My father sighed and shook his head. "No, I know you wouldn't lie. I'm sorry I got snappy. It was a long ride home."

"It's alright."

For the first time my mother looked at me, a frown on her face. "Keiji, sweetie, why we're you practicing your violin if you have a migraine?"

"My head has been fine for about two hours, and my friend really wanted to hear me play."

"Hm, which friend?"


My dad raised a brow. "The one you we're supposed to tutor? You're friends now?"

"Yes. I don't fully tutor him, but I help him with his work sometimes."

"Well it's nice that you seem to finally have a close friend," my mom muttered. "Just please be careful with your head for a few days, okay?"

"Okay. I'm going to bed now- I'd like to be back to school tomorrow."

I quickly went back to my room and sighed as I shut the door. I do everything I can to impress my parents, but even when I'm in so much pain that I can't function properly they still expect so much of me. Especially my dad.

Frowning, I got into bed without even changing into pajamas. And I winced. I may have lied about feeling better. Besides, I'll get to see Bokuto tomorrow, and he always knows how to make everything seem fine.

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