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Hmmm.... I'm thinking... Angst this chapter! So tws for drinking and abuse, it probably won't be super bad right now but just in case! There will also be fluff though, so yeah :)

(Akaashi POV)

As soon as I walked into my house my mom called me into the kitchen, where she usually likes to hang out. I have no idea why, she doesn't even cook- my parents hired a personal chef- but I suppose it could be because she is close with the chef.

I walked in to see my mom waiting for me, a small smile on her face. "Keiji, come talk with me for a second." Usually when I get home she's busy in her study, so I have no idea what this could be about.

"Hi mom. Do you need something?"

"I heard a little rumor that you are the only person in your class that got a perfect score on your literature test, even though you missed two days of school."

Ah, so that's why she looked excited to see me. At least it's nothing bad this time. "I didn't know I was the only one that got a perfect score."

"Well you were." My parents are used to me getting good grades- I mean, they do push me to spend so much time studying after all- but for some reason my mom is extra pleased with me this time.

"It's nice to know my studying pays off. But, if you don't mind me asking, why do you seem so pleased with me over a small test?"

"Keiji darling, I know your father and I can push you sometimes, but we just want what's best for you, you know? So to see you do so well even when you're still recovering from you migraine just makes me happy."


I smiled and nodded. I can't lie, it made me happy for someone to actually be worried about me rather than my grades. Someone other than Bokuto, that is.

"So, what do you want as a little reward?"


My mom shurgged. "It's been awhile since we've gotten you something special. And I talked with your father, he's agreed to get you whatever you want. Within reason, so no more than.. Let's say, ¥50,000?"

"Um... I don't think there's anything I want right now. Not something you could but at least."

"Then what do you want?"

"Could I reschedule my violin lesson on Friday? I wanted to go see Bokuto's volleyball game after school."


"Bokuto, and some of his friends- my friends now too- asked me to come watch."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I don't have any interest in playing anymore, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still interested in it. And I wouldn't want to say no to Bokuto."

"Alright. I'll see if we can reschedule your lessons to tomorrow afternoon then. But if I can't buy you anything then I'll at least have your favorite dinner made tonight."

"Thank you." My mom gave my hand a quick squeeze before going to talk to our chef, and I took that as a sign to leave, going up to my room and lulling out my phone to text Bokuto.

(Bokuto POV)

"Another visit huh? You've been around a lot lately." I tried to smile when I got home and saw my mom sitting on the couch. She probably doesn't remember our talk the last time she was here, but just to be safe I'm not going to be mentioning Kuroo's name. Or any of my guy friends for that matter.

"You look happy Ko. I can't blame you, you do get to see me twice in one month."

"It's certainty a surprise." I sat down next to her and chose to ignore the half-drank bottle of wine on the coffee table. If I talk to her then maybe she'll forget it's there. "How long are you here this time?"

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