Chapter 38

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 Noah's body slammed against one of the cave walls. Out of the shadows, the Scratch appeared. "Well, well, well," he chuckled, "We meet again." He pulled his arm up, revealing sword-like claws. His smile was filled with delight.

"What did I ever do?" Ellie asked, beginning to back up.

"You got in the way," the Scratch stated. "Every day I get weaker, and soon I'll be gone. I need someone to fill my place, and Noah..."

"He'll never be like you,"

"Only time will tell. Anyways, I should've done this a long time ago." The Scratch raised his hand, ready to strike.

Ellie tensed up. Her last moment, and she didn't even get to say goodbye to anyone. Not Alex, not Amelie, not Noah.

Just as The Scratch's hand swiped down, something knocked it away.


"Ah, yes, Alex," The Scratch said, "Thank you for bringing Ellie here. It's nice to have a daughter who'll help out."

A daughter? Ellie was baffled. If Alex was his daughter that meant her and Amelie and Noah...

Alex caught the Scratch off guard. She sent a kick at him, causing him to fall to the ground. "That's it," the Scratch angrily muttered. He backed the two girls up against the wall. "I'm ending this." He drew his claws above his head.

Right before she was finished, Ellie spotted something behind the Scratch. A small figure was wielding a blade much too big for them, running forward with momentum.

Alex noticed too, and the Scratch turned around to see what was going on. The blade sliced through his torso, causing him to collapse to the ground. The all-too-familiar sight of blood spilled out of the man's body. His eyes were frozen open with a shocked expression, one that no one had ever seen before.

The blade weilder came forward.


She sat on the ground, tears streaming down her face. "I-I ki-killed someone. I'm as b-bad as him!" she sobbed.

Alex pulled Amelie into a tight hug. "Don't feel bad," she spoke, "He was more beast than man. He was going to kill us." Ellie joined the hug, and soon a fourth person joined.

 "Oh, Noah!" Ellie hugged Noah. He smiled, something she hadn't seen in a long time. He hugged Amelie too.

"Alex, is that you?" the boy stared in shock.

"Yes," Alex responded. The two hugged.


"We'll explain on the way." Amelie chimed in.

"Where are we going?" Noah asked.

Ellie and Amelie exchanged glances. "We're getting out of here, Noah." Ellie held his hand, and together the four walked away.


Amelie climbed the tree, the familiar feeling of its smooth teal bark oddly comforting."Here it is," she said. The four stared at the window showing the neighborhood. "This is our escape."

"We're finally free!" Noah exclaimed. "We can start over and—"

"I can't do it," Alex blurted out. "I can't go. The Twilight Zone is a part of me. I can't leave it behind." The girl hugged all of her friends. "Goodbye guys."

"We'll miss you." Ellie said. For the first time ever, Ellie saw tears in Alex's eyes. She quickly wiped them away, grabbed a hanging vine, and swung away.

"It's time," Amelie stated. The three held hands and took a deep breath. Then, one be one, the climbed through the window.

The familiar feeling of summer washed over Ellie. The humid air, leafy green plants, and soft grass.

"I haven't felt this free in years!" Amelie exclaimed. She froliced around like a little girl playing in a field of flowers.

Ellie and Noah sat down. They stared through the window, their hands gripping each other. Just as the window began to shrink, the two saw the moment between day and night: twilight.

"It really is beautiful," Noah said.

"I guess that's why they call it the Twilight Zone."

Ellie and Noah leaned closer and closer until their noses nearly touched.

And, well, I'm sure you know what came next.

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