Back to Philly

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Chapter Two

Riley's P.O.V.

I've never seen either of my parents so sad, it's like their happiness has been completely drained from them.

I don't blame them either. Mr. Feeny was like a grandpa to me and a parent to my parents, everyone is losing something with him passing away.

After the phone call we all ran to my house to be with my family. Two days later, which is also right now, we are driving back to my Grandparents house in Philadelphia. I took the car down with Maya and Chase, and Farkle and Smackle were able to come down with us as well.

"I wish we could be coming down here on better circumstances." Chase said as he continued to drive. "Philly has a lot of great night clubs."

"Yeah," I sigh, "I haven't been here since Maya and I dug up the backyard. I know I should have come back more." I let out a faint chuckle as I felt someone rub my back.

I turned to see Farkle and Smackle in the backseat offering me caring eyes.

"It's not your fault Riley, you're an adult now. You can only do so much." Farkle said. "We all don't have the same amount of free time that we used to back when we were kids."

Smackle nodded her head. "That's a true statement, I mean I know that Adulthood comes with a ton more responsibilities, but I was not prepared for the little about of free time."

"Tell me about it." We all say I'm unison.

"My Dad and Mom are already there, Mom says to hurry cause someone needs to liven the mood, the free booze is not working." Maya read from her phone.

"Go down the street, and your destination is on the right."

"Welp, she's in luck cause it looks like we're here." Chase said.

I look out the window to see my Grandparents house, which is right next to Mr. Feeny's house. For some reason it feels kinda weird Everytime I come over here. Almost like a crossover of some kind.

Chase parked the parked the car and as we all begin to get ready to get out the car, my Dad and Uncle Shawn come running outside to us, with Shawn on one side of the car and my Dad on the other.

"You guys will never guess who is inside..." Dad starts, while breathing heavily.

"More Feeny's." Shawn whispers.


Cory's P.O.V.

So, Mr. Feeny actually had more family then we realized. I only other Feenys I knew about where his wife, his sister, and her daughter. But it turns out Mr. Feeny had more. Inside my house right now, are Feeny's sister and brother Pam & Daniel. Along with Feeny's Niece... and drumroll please...

His Son and Grandson!!

Now no one felt more hurt then me when I found out about his, so called, son. But, apparently there was some conflict in between the son's Mom and Feeny.

I never thought of Feeny as a hit it and quit it type of guy, so I'm assuming the problem is a little deeper than that.

Secrets and all, I am gonna miss the him so much. I have been preparing myself for this over the past year, but it still hurts that the moment came. Topanga, Shawn, & Eric did not take it well at all. This is the first time in the past two days that they've all left their homes. But, together we will all be fine. It's what he would have wanted for us.

As Shawn and I walked the kids inside, Riley and Maya kept questioning me about the new arrivals.

"So like, Feeny had a secret family?" Maya asked.

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