It's Hard to Say Goodbye: Part Three

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Chapter Thirteen

Cory's P.O.V.

The funeral was one of the saddest things I've ever experienced. It was also the largest one I ever attended. I don't know why I keep forgetting that Mr. Feeny was so popular, that man was basically America's favorite teacher or something.

I am happy I got to see all my friends from though out the years. Shawn gave an amazing speech about how Feeny changed his life, Topanga followed with a speech about how he gave her the first A she ever got. and of course... Eric tried hopping into the plot where they were gonna bury him.

Shawn's brother Jack had to tackle him to the ground to prevent him from going back for another try.

Angela and Rachel even came too. Both of them brought their kids too. It's so great that we all are beginning to have our own families, it truly makes me realize how much time has past since we've been kids. Hell, it's been 24 years since we graduated High School, we really have truly met the world.

After we buried him, we planned to have everyone over at my parent's house for the repass and boy did everyone come through, thankfully we had both mine and Mr. Feeny/Will's houses and backyard... because like I said before the man knew all of America.

I have noticed that Riley and Maya weren't talking to much, wonder what's going on with that.

As I'm thinking to myself, Topanga grabs my hand and holds it as she walks up to me.

"How you holding up?" She asks.

I sigh, "As good as I can be." I give her a small smile to let her know I'm okay. "Still trying to decide what to do about John Adams High."

"Don't put to much pressure on yourself, Cory. If anything, I do know someone who would who would love to take over if you wanted to come back to New York." Topanga explained, right before she pointed my finger at Will, who was sitting on the couch next to his son.

"I'm pretty sure he hates me."

"I'm pretty sure he's just looking for a way to be close to his Dad again..."

She kisssed me on the cheek before she went to go talk to other people nearby. 

I sigh, when will life be simple?

Probably never, but I think I know what I wanna do about the school.

Riley's P.O.V.

"We were in the best part of our lives, and now she and Chase wanna get married??" I rant to myself while sitting on my Dad's old treehouse. "She and him just turned 23 and now they're gonna run off and hitch up? Ugh, where's the bay window when I need it?"

When we got back from the funeral, I quite literally ran away from everyone and hid in my father's treehouse. While hiding I did hear Maya, Chase, and Farkle looking for me, but I didn't respond to any of their cries. Mainly because I do not need this entire party shifting attention on me and my possible recent abandonment issues.

"Thought I'd find ya here." I heard a British voice say as I was looking at my shoes.

Rolling my eyes, I look up to see Oscar climbing up the later into my (former) hiding place. When he was inside he looked down at me as he was now standing in front of me.

"I'm not in the mood right now, Oscar." I said, looking back down at the floor.

He pulls out what looks like a joint from his pocket, "Wanna get high and talk about it?"

That happened to get my attention.

Maya's P.O.V.

We've looked around both houses for her for 15 minutes. The second we got back from the graveyard, she instantly disappeared amongst the crowd. By minute 16, Farkle let out a huge sigh.

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