Wide Awake

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Chapter Six

Riley's P.O.V.

"Riley, Riley!" I️ hear a muffled voice say.

I️ groan, "Leave me be."

"Kinda hard to do since your laying on me." I️ hear the voice say again.

I️ groan longer, "But you're so warm."

They laugh. Wait, I️ think that's Lucas' laugh. I️ flutter my eyes open to see Lucas under me. Omg, I'm laying on him like he's a mattress. "Are we still at Chase's?" I️ ask.

We are on a couch and I️ see Chase rise up from the floor with his phone in hand. "Yeah." He yawned as he gets up and starts walking. "I️ don't know where Zay gets his bud from but boy, it's it amazing."

Where are Zay and Maya? "Oh good, she's awake." I️ hear her voice say. I'm assuming she's in the kitchen. "So how was your first trip?"

"Well, all I️ know is that come Senior Year, no parties are being thrown, agree?" I ask.

"Agree." Everyone else said together.

"Damn, I️ just feel bad for the maid." Chase frowned as he began to throw cups away.

Then Maya walks though the front door with a big white bag, with Zay behind her carrying coffee. "Morning guys. Your hangover savior has arrived." She smiled , and now she's handing out what looks like bagels to everyone. And Zay is handing out coffee.

Chase walked up to her, "Awww, look at you being helpful."

"Awww, look at you being all tall." She rolled her eyes.

Then a bagel landed in my lap and that's the one thing I'm honestly worried about right now. Next thing I knew my bagel was gone.

"I need another bagel." I smiply said.

I looked at Maya with the pouty eyes. She laughed.


Maya's P.O.V.

Literally no one heard anything from Farkle the entire weekend after he was supposed to show up at Chase's house for the party. We didn't really start getting worried until the next week at school when he wasn't there. It's been two days since then and still no word from him... or Smackle.

"This isn't like Farkle to just disappear." Riley said. "The only thing I ever get from him are the Streaks that he sends on snap. And they're only ever black screens!"

I sigh, "He's probably just a love sick dog."

"What makes you say that?" Chase asks.

"I️ heard her talking about how she wanted to tell him she loves him." Maya said.

Just then, Farkle run up to the group. "Hey guys! You'll never guessed what happened."

Chase looked at Farkle with a blank stare, Lucas noticed this and moved behind him just Incase he jumped.

"Well, turns out she's not cheating!" He smiled. "I️ was talking to her about it and we decided to go on a retreat for the weekend with no phone sit anything, just us. And it worked, out trust is completely back! Please don't be mad!"

Chase scoffed, "I️ can't be mad at you." He said as he messed up Farkle's hair.

"But you did miss a pretty good time." Zay smiled.

"What happened this time around?" Farkle asked.

"Well tell you about that when we aren't in school." I️ laughed.

"Same here." Farkle nervously chuckled.

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