The Party: Part One

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Hey guys! Quick author's note. I am currently on spring break and I went to every single High School party that people in my school had. And can I just say, Wow. I based this chapter on what I saw and experienced at those parties. Also, read the author's note at the end of the chapter for a surprise.

Chapter Four

Maya's POV

So this party better be lit, Because I put on a dress, and I hate dresses. Not a big fan of wind having access to my crouch. I knock on Riley's door, and to my surprise Topanga answers.

"Why, don't you look gorgeous." Topanga complimented.

"Thank you." I gush. "This party better be lit." I say as I walk inside. "So Topanga, I heard your married to the principal of my school."

"Yes, yes I am." She smiled.

Riley quickly walked out of the room with her iPhone in one hand and her hairbrush in the other.

"Farkle says he's on his way with the limo." Riley said as she sat down on the couch. "Now where did I put my handbag?" She said looking around.

Classic Riley, always forgetting something.

"Um, is this it?" Topanga asked as she pulled something out out the freezer.

"That's where it went!" Riley smiled as she grabbed her now cold purse from Topanga. "Farkle's downstairs!" Riley said as she kissed her Mom bye. "See you later!"

Riley and I went downstairs in style, like we were the baddest bitches in all of New York City.

We see Farkle leaning on the outside of the limo. He had a confused face as he looked at his phone. Which was weird, considering Farkle was a genius.

"You alright Farkle?" I said as we walked up to him.

"Yeah!" He instantly perked up. "Let's go."

When we get there, you could practicaly smell the drugs and beer from the outside. The limo dropped us of in front of Chase's house. I knew Riley was nervous because I saw her play with the ends of her hair. So I grab her hand.

"Ready?" I ask her.

She took a deep breath and exhaled, "Ready."

As we opened the door, we saw Chase's brother Onyx stripping on the table. Now, Onyx is built as fuck, so he made the most coincided thing ever work. There are like one hundred and fifty people here! I turn around to see Farkle already had a drink In his hand living it up with everyone else. I kinda want one to, but I don't wanna leave Riley alone with all these drunk man whores.

"Riley, come with me to get a drink!" I yelled over the booming Jersey Club Music.

"Okay!" She yelled back.

I took her hand and we walked past the drunken guest. I can't believe Chase would allow all this. Riley and I walked into the kitchen to see everyone bumrushing the bar and refrigerator.

"Oh, well. I guess you won't be able to get a drink." Riley sighed as she went to turn around. She is too funny.

"Oh no. I have my ways." I smiled.

Riley's Pov

She took my hand as we made our way thought the sweaty teenagers to the bar. And may I just say, there is nothing worse then going through people while the Jersey Club Remix of The Hills is playing. What surprised me most is that people actually let her go through.

"Give me the strongest thing you got." Maya said to the bartender. "Riley do you want anything?"

"Um, I don't know." I shrugged. "I still have to get home, and if Farkle gets a home run with that girl that he's making out with in the corner, walking home is my only option."

Maya rolls her eyes and laughed, "Come on! You're so goodie two shoes it's not even funny. Just let loose, don't be a square." She laughed.

Has anyone ever said for you to do or try something that you just weren't comfortable doing? And they just kept mocking you until you did it? Well, Maya was the person that always did this to me. And frankly, I'm tried of it. So what came out of mouth next came from anger, not from me.

"GIVE ME A DRINK STRONGER THAN THE ONE SHE HAS!" I yelled as I slammed my fist down on the table.

He scrambled to get me it. But when he finally did, and I tasted it, all I could say was...

"Shit! Is it supposed to burn your neck?!"

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took so long to do, I had to plan then write then edit. And it took me forever. Then I had several last minute ideas and it was really annoying me. So anyway I have some big news about my ep, it is called deCoded and it will have Five original songs and four covers! You guys are gonna love it! See you next time! I want to try to have part two out before the end of the week, okay guys!

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