Look What You Made Us Do

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Chapter Seven

Lucas' P.O.V.

After school we all decided to go and chill at Topanga's because it seems forever since we've last been there. I like doing things we don't do very often, kinda gives me a sense of who I was before. It's also been about a month since the party we had, it really does suck that Farkle wasn't there, because it was literally amazing.

"So... football players, hows the season coming." Riley smiles as she sat down next to me.

What? "You've been at all the games." I said confused.

She pondered for a second, "Oh yeah, I don't really mess with football, Basketball is where it's at."

"Well, I hope you'll be at Homecoming." I said as Riley leaned her head on me. Right as I said that, she sat back up. What? "You good?"

She tried to get something out of her mouth, it's like she doesn't know what to say next.

"I'll go to the game." She began. "I don't think I'm going to the dance though."

I looked over at Maya, who was covering up the light smile she had on her face. Now I'm confused.

"And why not?"

Now everyone is looking like they're not saying what's on their minds. Chase is scratching his temple, Zay, Farkle and Smackle are inspecting their nails, And Riley just has her head looking at the bookcase in front of us.

"Well, after last year... homecoming just isn't where my mind is focused at right now." Riley began. "I'm excited for prom and stuff though."

"Brooooo." Zay began. "The after party is where the real fun begins."

"Where's the After party again?" Maya asked.

"Seaside New Jersey baby!" Zay smiled.

Are we just changing the subject? Why is everyone being so... oh.


"So, there's something. I've wanted to get off my chest for a while, and as President of Student Council, I thought that time was now."

I saw Chase fumbled out of the chair and stood right next to Maya. "Time to get her out of here? You know what he's about to say."

Chase turned around and looked at Riley, who looked slightly annoyed that I was even here.

"Yes, get her out now." I heard him command.

Chase nodded as he went over to Riley.

"Oh, and Riley, you better pay attention." I smiled as I felt the drinks kick in. "Almost a year ago, Riley broke up with me because I cheated..." I started.

"Riley, we need to go now." Maya said as She grabbed one arm and Chase grabbed the other.

Then the worst thing ever happened, something that I thought would never get out, I let it out.

"But what she didn't know was that the Mystery blonde was Maya, and how Farkle and Chase knew about it the whole time."

Snapping back into reality, I realized why none of them wanted to go to Homecoming.

It was Because of me.

Riley's P.O.V.

Ever since yesterday, Lucas has been trying to apologize to me for what happened last year. Personally, I really don't care. It happened last year, we're dating now... why do we have to worry about what happened when we weren't. I was actually in the same mindset when this first freaking happened. I'm not the same 12 year old girl who flips out over every little thing. What's it gonna take for him to realize that?

I sigh as I begin to walk around my house. "Of course no ones home."

I play with my bracelet, this is stressful. Just because I don't wanna go something has to be wrong with me. I wish I could calm down. Damn it's cold in here.

Lucas' P.O.V.

"Hey Riley, you here?" I knock on her door, I'm not getting a response though.

It kinda smells like weed in her hallway, and it's helping me remember Chase's last party, those were the good times. The door is open when I attempt to turn to turn the knob.

"Jeez!" I say. "It smells even more like it in here."

Wait, I doubt ether of her parents or Auggie are  doing it. Oh no. I quickly run to her room and open it to trip on the towel underneath her door. When I look up, I see her by the bay window with a flower crown on her head, and a blunt in hand. She grooving with whatever hippie music she's playing in the background.

She looked down at me. "Hey Lucas."

I quickly stand up and take the blunt from her and put it out. "What the hell are you doing? If your parents come home and smell this apartment..."

"There not." Riley rolled her eyes as she went to the bed and collapsed on it dramatically. "They went retreating to get ready for the new baby."

I hear the door open, I turn around to see Riley's Uncle Josh and Maya with her arm wrapped around his.

"Whoa girl." Maya said as the entered the room that was not that far away at all from being hotboxed. "Go big or go home I guess."

"Your lucky your parents are away." Josh sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I thought smoking was a one time thing for you." I said to her.

She sat up and looked at me. She smiled as she took the blunt from my hand. "I changed my mind."

I heard Josh and Maya chuckling from behind me. I quickly turned to face them and they shut up. I turned back to Riley. "This isn't you."

She sighed as she got up and sat down at the Bay Window. "Correction, It wasn't me. As in, it used to not be me." She re lit the blunt. "People change Lucas, people grow up, people try things. I don't understand why I can't too."

Now I need a hit. I took the blunt from her and took a hit, now I feel better. Calmer.

I gave it back to her and inhaled deeply, then I exhaled. "Look, I just don't want you to get addicted. It can happen faster then you think."

"Yeah Riles. I've seen people lives turned upside down by drugs. I'd hate to see it happen to my favorite niece." Josh smiled.

"I'm your only niece." She said.

"Exactly." He said.

She rolled her eyes again.

"Look guys. We all care for her, but... she is allowed to make her own decisions." Maya explained.

I sat down next to Riley and took her hand. "Just... try not to do it everyday."

She smiled at me. "Okay."

Maya's P.O.V.

"I just don't think that is talking to her like we're her parents are gonna solve anything." I said to Josh as we walk into the living room.

He shrugged. "Riley Matthews is not meant for drugs, and she's really lucky I didn't go off."

"Lucas is there."

"Yeah, lucky I didn't go off about that ether." Josh said as he sat down by the big window. "He is nothing but trouble, literally he was probably the one who got her into that shit in the first place."

I rub his shoulder as I sit down next to him. Josh likes to jump to assumptions really fast, that's something I learned when we started dating, he doesn't really wait for both sides. He starts jumping when he hears like... half of one side.

"It wasn't Lucas who got her into it." I said. "No one told her to do it, she chose to herself. She is old enough to make her own choices Josh."

"No, your old enough to make you're own choices, I'm old enough, Lucas is too, Riley has been sheltered from everything. Even though she thinks she's ready... she isn't."

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