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They had the most wonderful afternoon and evening at the fortress. A big dinner party, with all the desserts the children, and adults, could stomach. After that, a cake party. The children were welcomed into the clan, and Ellinor was too. There were games, and songs and they had a lot of fun.

Ellinor and Seonghwa didn't leave each other's sides all night, except when they joined in a few games. They had to have one hand on each other at all times. They both knew what was to come, and they were nervous, but more, they couldn't wait. Finally, they were in a place where they had their own bed, and their own room.

«I can't wait any longer,» Ellinor finally whispered in his ear.

«Oh, thank heavens,» he sighed with a wide grin. San and Woo were singing karaoke, making everyone laugh. Ellinor and Seonghwa looked at each other and nodded. Ellinor left first. Seonghwa did the same a minute later. No one noticed, except for Yunho who gave them a teasing wink.

«Why am I so nervous?» Seonghwa said as they got to their own bedroom. «It's not like we've never done this before.»

«I'm nervous too,» she laughed happily and put her arms around his neck. It felt different, there was a baby belly in-between them. «Kiss me.»

Their clothes fell to the floor, item by item.

«And you're sure this is safe?» he asked out of breath.

«Mhm,» she sighed as he kissed her neck. «I asked Yunho.»

«You asked Yunho? Good!» He smiled against her skin, and she giggled as she felt it.

«I had to be sure it was safe because I can't wait for you to knot me.»

Seonghwa gasped at her words, and she happily put a hand on his growing bulge.

«I think you can't wait either, darling,» she whispered in his ear.

«I really can't,» he said and lifted her into bed. «Promise you'll tell me immediately if I do anything that's uncomfortable for you or the baby?»

«I promise.»

«Perfect,» he said and disappeared behind her belly.

«I can't even see you!» she laughed.

«I'll make sure you at least feel where I am,» he said, looking at her over her tummy, wiggling his eyebrows. Then he disappeared again.

«Oh!» she sighed as she felt his gentle hands on places only he could touch. When he kissed wet kisses on the inside of her thighs, and then blew on them, she got goosebumps. It was just like before.

«If I get lost on the other side of this hill...» he said, and let his hand caress her pregnant belly. «I can just do this, kiss you, blow a little, and then you can guide me the right way.»

«North, my love,» she giggled.

«North? Alright.»

«Even further north,» she said a little later, and her body shivered as he finally let his tongue find its way to her heat. «Oh, darling.»

Some things never changed. Like her taste, her sounds. Still, it felt different. The feelings were bigger. The fear and sorrow they had felt, the loneliness and longing... Everything was stronger now. And with the pup in her belly... She was the one to bite him first this time. In her first orgasm, she let her teeth sink into his skin where only a light scar showed where their mating mark had used to be. Seonghwa roared, and as his own release took over, he bit her back.

The night was like a long awakening. There was so much to discover, to touch, to say. They cried, they talked and they made love. What they had together was bigger than words could ever convey. Seonghwa swore he would never let her get lost from him ever again.

Not until morning they finally fell asleep, closely wrapped up together. Seonghwa held her firmly and the safety made it easy to relax. She felt loved. Everything she thought she had lost, was here. Seonghwa was here.

In the fortress, they didn't feel too much of the chaos that was raging in the city. They did a few trips in to keep an eye on things, but they always kept their distance. It would be better if no one knew where they were. Some wolves seemed to know the outcast children lived there, but it was impossible for anyone to get in without knowing exactly how. They were safe. They mostly used the secret passages underground to get in and out of the fortress and the city.

Seonghwa wasn't ready to take care of business. He still didn't know what to do. He had no wish to lead a clan. Especially not one that had hunted them, kidnapped his mate, and burnt away her marks. It was hard to forgive and impossible to forget.

Seonghwa sat in a dark corner on top of the walls of the fortress, invisible to outside eyes, high above the closest buildings. The city walls were so far away that he didn't see those who patrolled it with the naked eye, but he knew they were there. His thoughts wandered all over. Something was growing in him, and no matter how much he fought it, he couldn't stop it. He was stepping on the brakes as hard as he could, but it was still there, slowly creeping up on him.

He felt Hongjoong before he saw him.

«May I join you?»

«Of course,» Seonghwa nodded. His eyes were still lingering on the city, but he used his other senses more than his sight.

«What are you thinking about?» Hongjoong didn't beat around the bush, he felt the conflict in Seonghwa.

«Someone is calling me. Someone from the clan.»

«They need their leader.»

«When Ellinor was kidnapped there was a woman. She was the one to give Ellinor the potion that burnt her marks, and she was the one who shot me. I think it might be her.»

«Who is she?»

«I'm not sure, but... she might be the second in command?» He tried to feel it while talking, but he didn't get any closer to the answer.

«Are you able to talk to her? Maybe you could meet?»

«Maybe,» Seonghwa sighed. He was frustrated. «I don't like this feeling of uncertainty.»

«There is still time.»

«But not much,» Seonghwa said, just knowing he was right. Hongjoong nodded. «If we join the clan, will we lose you?»

«That's up to you,» Hongjoong answered.

«How so?»

«You're the leader of the clan. It's your decision. Everything is.»

Seonghwa didn't look happy.»

«I was hoping not to lead anything at all. Ever.»

«You were born to lead, Seonghwa,» Joong said. «I knew that from the moment I met you.»

«But you never worried I would challenge you, right?»

«If you had, I would have lost. But bigger things await you, my friend.»

Seonghwa sighed deeply again.

«I need you, Joon.»

«You got me. Anything you need from me, you'll have.»

«Do you really mean that? Because I might need a lot.»

«Then you'll have a lot. You've given me everything I've ever asked of you, from the second you joined our pack. Why wouldn't I repay you when I get the chance?»

«Thank you, alpha.»

«I don't think I'm considered your alpha anymore, Seonghwa.»

«You'll always be my alpha, Joong.» 

Alpha & Omega // Ateez // P.SHWhere stories live. Discover now