My eyes pinned her with a deathly stare. She invaded my home without my permission. Who does that? I watched her swallow then fiddle with her phone before masking her previous fear with nonchalance. "I got tired of sitting outside." I heard her say but then she sighed before raising her eyes to mine, "also, I wanted to find your charger. I'm sorry." She muttered the last part so low that I nearly didn't hear it.

Ashamed, are we? Who wouldn't.

I swallowed the anger that traveled throughout me fastly. She darted past me but paused when she saw her father walk through the door.

"You didn't have to come looking for me dad, I was just heading out…" She muttered to my unfortunate hearing.

"No honey, I asked Kylo if we could stay over for the night and he didn't seem to have a problem with it." He beamed at her.

Actually, I did have a problem with letting people into my home but this was an emergency and I definitely wasn't going to recommend trying to find a hotel close by, they'd rip him off real bad, that's if they didn't get robbed while at it.

"What?" She was staring at her father like he had grown another head.

"Dad, we can't stay here. I don't like it here." She snapped and I rolled my eyes. "Also, what about his parents? Won't they freak out if they came home to find two strangers in their home?" She stared pointedly at him.

"Brecley it's just for tonight. We can't drive around this late. We'd be leaving tomorrow morning so please be nice and behave yourself." The finality in his tone knocked her shut. "Ya can use my charger since Kylo didn't have one or are ya yet to ask him?"

She swallowed bitterly and stared between her dad and myself. She huffed and stormed outside, banging the door shut behind her. 

I wasn't happy about it either, lady. Believe me.

Talk about temper tantrums. This girl was getting on my nerves a lot more than I had expected. One look at Bill and the frustration was saddening. I could tell from his expression that things weren't going as he had planned and it was more than the whole staying over thing. Probably the calls he was on earlier before didn't yield what he wanted. It really wasn't in my position to inquire because it wasn't my business. And his beloved daughter was not making the situation any easier.

He slowly darted his eyes to land on me, "ya parents wouldn't mind us staying over right?" He looked hopeful and though I wanted to tell him that my parents wouldn't be an issue because they're dead, I just nodded in affirmation. "Thank ya real much." He rubbed his face with a heavy inhale. 

"I'd get the guest room ready." I mumbled, taking the cell-phone that Brec had dropped on my little centerpiece before storming off and stalking off. 

My house was pretty small. It was my mother's. She had bought it, hoping for our family of three to live in it happily. Things did go as planned for a while till the day it all began to crumble came. I could remember it so well. Her querying him over his late nights and odd outfits, her worry the day he came back with blood smeared on his cheeks. He had claimed he had accidentally run over a dog and had to bury it, the confusion on her face when she found a bag of odd tools.

I could remember everything, her always confronting and complaining about him, the excuses and explanations he'd give, his calm eyes and her hopeful ones. Then I remembered the broken look on her face when the police had surrounded our home, her cries when they were taking my father away in handcuffs, the way she screamed at me to run into my room and not come out till she called for me.

Then I remembered the loud 'bang' that echoed. The way I ran to my window and the sight that welcomed me was sickening. It was my father's body lying limp on the floor in a pool of blood with a bullet hole. A policeman had shot him clean in the head.

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