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The door flew open and a couple of teenage girls rushed towards Brec. They squealed as they hugged her one after the other. They paused when their eyes landed on me. They slowly checked me out and I stared at them with an irritated look before they turned back to Brec, "who's the hottie?" I heard them whisper in a voice that made the act of whispering appear a mockery. 

I figured they were familiar with her because the redhead planted a kiss on her cheek. I didn't want to find it weird so I looked away.

"Grace begged Chase to tell her those coming but he wouldn't slip, even after she bribed him with jelly donuts. That asshole." She huffed, "I'm so glad you're here honestly. Carla and Frida have been such a—" she groaned, threw her head back with a tired expression and sighed, "I was going to die, if it was just going to be only them. Grace would be too busy getting cozy with Cody." She made a face at the blonde who rolled her eyes. So she was a chatterbox? Nice.

"Cody is here?" Brec's brow lifted. 

Who the hell was Cody? 

"Yeah. Cody is here and they're dating too." She wiggled her brows at a blushing blonde, "Fletcher, Jarvin, Chase as well. They're playing video-games in the living room." She chirped away happily.

If my calculation was correct, there were ten people in his house. Ten freaking people, out of which I only knew two. I despised more than anything, meeting new people. It irked me.

"Yeah, yeah... But first, tell us who the hot snack is." The redhead nudged Brecley again, turning to the blonde lady who nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

Brec shifted her gaze to me and I knew she saw that I was quickly getting uncomfortable and irritated, actually I was getting more irritated than uncomfortable. "Uh, can you show us our rooms? I'm quite tired. We'd talk after I get a little rest, I promise. I got motion sickness while on the way here."

The petite blonde walked forward, leaving the fiery redhead behind. Grace, that was her name... I think, "follow me B— Hannah you didn't take the room on the left, did you?" She faced the redhead who lifted her eyes from me and shook her head, "good. I'd take you both to your rooms."

Brec smiled at her, "thanks Grace." 

Brec signaled me to follow and with a heavy sigh, I obeyed. I hated meeting new people as well as being the center of attraction like back there, it made me very uncomfortable and irritable. But the way the redhead ogled me got me pissed.

The interior was beautiful. Red couches were fixed around a black glass table. A golden chandelier dangled from the ceiling. A large wide-screen TV sat on the center wall. Flower vases were sparsely placed around.

I glanced at the room that housed a big wooden table with chairs placed around it. A fruit basket sat in the center of it. I couldn't get a proper look further into the room because I was led up a flight of spiraling, wooden steps. I quietly follow behind, ignoring the soft giggles and quick glances thrown back at me by the new girls,

"he's super hot," I heard Grace whisper excitedly. 

"Mmhmm." Brec hummed.

I heaved a breath and zoned out on whatever they were saying. I focused my eyes on lazily looking around, appreciating the intricate designs. I wondered whose house this was. A group of boys were seated around the TV, playing Video games, high on testosterone. They didn't seem to acknowledge our presence, their attention was solely on the game they were playing. I had no idea where Tyler was but I assumed he was settling in.

I didn't know how long I had followed but I halted when she did, in front of a brown mahogany door and turned to me, "Kylo, Grace says you can stay here. Thanks for carrying my bag for me. Let me know if you need anything."

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