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I was met with a worried Brecley. "Do you just disappear like that?" She looked pissed.

"I-I took a little restroom break." I mumbled.

"You should have told me. You can imagine my horror when I turned to brag about beating Isaac and you weren't there." Her voice strayed, breaking low as she said the last part.

Her misty eyes looked up and my heart squeezed. She was close to tears and I would have been responsible for them. Just great, I was getting closer to receiving my certificate of full time jerk from the university of jerks.

"I'm sorry." I said and she threw herself into my arms, hugging me closely. I stilled, least expecting her reaction.

"You had me worried. I really believed you left, considering the fact that you've been weird since we got here." She whispered.

Isaac and Sinclair just stared at us, blinking in confusion.

"Brecley... Brecley let go, you're attracting attention." I whispered, noticing how a few eyes were straying towards us.

"They're a cute couple." I heard Sinclair whisper to Isaac.

"Yeah." Isaac tilted his head close towards his brother.

"Brecley please..." I was pleading at this point for her to let me go. I was getting uncomfortable with all the attention and my stiff body just stayed... stiff.

She reluctantly let go but intertwined her fingers with mine. I looked down at her hand in mine and traced my eyes up to meet her innocent smile. If it made her feel better, I'd let her hold my hand... also, her hand in mine felt awkwardly good. It erupted a giddy sensation in my heart. "We're going to the Angry birds whacker first, then the Allstars basketball is next." She squeezed my hands and I looked at her with softness in my eyes.

"We could hit the Carnival wheel and the cool prizes machine after that." Sinclair suggested while Isaac nodded. "There's this new dance game they recently installed, maybe we could try it. Also, you got one victory out of seven, don't get too cocky."

Brecley looked up at me, searching to see if I really was okay with the plans they were making. I nodded in approval at her. My issues were mine alone, I didn't feel the need to drag her into my messed up life. She already had her own share of issues, her crying in the car was a telltale. I actually found myself wondering what must have happened to have her in tears. I was still staring at her when I was unexpectedly yanked. Brecley was tugging on my hand.

"Let's go..." I begrudgingly followed her, hoping the day would just run out quickly.


An hour later and I was actually laughing. It was surprising but if you had witnessed Brecley fall flat on her ass while trying to get a basketball into the hoop, you'd be laughing too. Her scowling face was red as a result of both embarrassment and anger from Isaac being right-she had terrible aim-sent a snort out of me. And it soon graduated to short chuckles that soon became a full blown laugh. It was freaking hilarious, even Isaac and Sinclair were laughing really hard.

"Does it hurt?" Sinclair asked and I tried to shut another round of laughter from bursting out by biting onto my lower lip and inhaling deeply.

"I can't believe she fell, I never saw it coming." Isaac said in between fits of laughter.

"How gentlemanly of you guys to just laugh while I'm sitting on the floor." She snarled and Isaac just laughed some more.

"When you put it like that, it doesn't make it any less funnier." Sinclair nearly choked on his laughter. "How was that fall even possible? That hoop wasn't even that high, yet you still managed to slip and land your butt on the floor..." he doubled over and laughed some more, almost red from the intensity of his laughter, "the irony is that even after the big jump, you still didn't get a point. There was no score to avenge your fall."

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