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I smoothened the surface of my mid-thigh navy blue pleated skirt and stared into the mirror with great uncertainty. The ash long-sleeved blouse that I had paired the skirt with was baggy and I wondered if I really looked okay.

I fetched my lipgloss and coated my lips with it's shimmering transparent liquid, smacking them against each other to ensure proper spread. I didn't bother doing anything to my hair, preferring to let it rest on my back in it's wild waves.

I grabbed my purse along with my phone, quickly slipping into my black leather boots and dashed out of my room, knowing fully well that if I speared the mirror another glance, I'd have taken everything off because I'd be fully convinced that I wasn't dressed right. I wasn't sure if this was a date between Kylo and I… even if it wasn't, my heart still skipped in excitement at the thought of spending time with him. I hadn't really expected him to agree to come along and honestly, I didn't know what I'd have done with the movie tickets I had secured from a local cinema in town.

I had planned on seeing a movie with him after the arcade and I was really looking forward to snuggling close to him, immersing myself in his sense-numbing musky scent of Vanilla… while watching the horror movie I had purposely paid for. A mischievous grin made its way on my lips as I thought of using the opportunity of getting freaked out while watching the movie—because I had no liver for horror or any form of it—to snuggle close to him.

I bit my lip in an attempt to control the squeal that was threatening to escape. I fixed my hair and took a deep breath, hoping to keep myself at bay. Kylo was a subtle human and certain bursts of emotions scared him away, especially random bursts… I noticed his reaction to my excited squeal and took note of it. I didn't want to scare him off, I wanted him to feel comfortable with me. I wanted to know who the real Kylo was and I wouldn't be able to get my wish if he always had his guard up. 

I arrived in front of his door and readied myself to knock but midway, the door opened and I sincerely forgot how to breathe because my breaths were knocked out of my chest and my heart left to flutter heavily… something was exploding in my chest and I damn right knew a butterfly garden had erupted in my chest.

The man before me was looking mind-wrecking and jaw-droppingly handsome and it devastated me to the core that even when dressed in just light mid-wash blue jeans, with a forest green t-shirt falling over his pants, adorned with black boots… he could still turn heads effortlessly. 

His hair laid in messy curls atop his head, grazing his forehead thickly. His hands stayed tucked in his pocket as his hazel eyes peered down at me like a giant looking down at a child. His cologne wafted through the air and my nose couldn't help but take a deep breath to fill me with the soft scent I've grown to love and couldn't get enough of. 

I ran my eyes down his appearance and I had to admit that I've grown to love baggy clothes because of him… he pulls them off effortlessly, with natural swag. His eyes blinked at me and I got traces of light surprise swing through his eyes. His lightly pink lips stared at me and I found myself battling severely to dispel every thought of tasting his beautiful lips. I raised my eyes to see his face, then his eyes that mesmerized me every time… they were so beautiful and trapping with the green swirling around the color mixture. 

"You look nice." My body shivered at the hoarseness of his low tone. 

A blush made its way to my cheeks as I fluttered my lashes and tucked my hair behind my hair. Since when did I become this shy? Because I know that Jamie could never make me feel like this. Jarvin managed to do more damage to my composure than Jamie honestly. Sometimes I wondered why I ever dated him. 

"Thank you. You look handsome as always." I smiled at him with my bright eyes twinkling.

My heartbeat had increased by several beats per second and if this continued, Chase might just have another heart-attack patient. 

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