"7 Hour Shift."

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ྀ࿐ˊˎ- CHAPTER 2

Previously on "From Another Dimension"

You saw a figure leaning on your door frame, it was your older brother that was successful, the sibling who made you feel like you were really at home. You saw his smile as you he made his way toward you, before fluffing your hair. "Don't listen to anything mom tells you, I heard the yelling and everything, I am successful in the first place because I ignored her words and was responsible. So you should do the same." He looked at you with a worried expression as you blankly smiled at him. "I know... I know. Thanks, Straizo." "Yeah, no problem Y/N, now you should head out before your late again." he smiled at you.


"Right, thanks." You held your bag closer to your chest as you both walked out of your closet-sized bedroom. You were greeted by your mother staring at you with an upset expression, before she could say anything your brother spoke up. "Go on, Y/N. Have fun at work." he smiled and stated as he shoved you towards the staircase which signaled you to go downstairs, you did. As you were walking down the steps, you heard yelling from your older brother, and mother. It made me so upset, that he went through so much with that woman, even though he's her biological son, why's that?

You opened the main door and walked outside, It was 10:50 which was enough time to walk to your workplace. You kept thinking about what happened today, but it didn't stop you as your brother's responsible words were always highlighted over these thoughts.

You made it to your workplace, a simplistic Italian restaurant that you've adapted to. You made your way towards the back and wore your apron and got to work.

You sighed "7 Hour shift, eh?"
"Yes sir." You heard someone behind you, it was your co-worker that was always awkwardly nice to you for no reason, it's always been like this but they act like an energy booster. "Also, Manager Tonio wants to talk to you. Pretty sure he's in his office." You nodded as you rushed towards his office, you knocked slowly and came inside.

"Hello, Manager Tonio, you asked for me?" He nodded and signaled you to have a seat. You sat down looking confident but worried about what he was about to say. He's always been a strict, but the nice manager.
He set his hands on an envelope, what is that?
He slid it towards you, which then escalated to you holding it and opening it carefully, you saw a heap of cash, and you looked back up at your manager as he smiled. Your bonus paycheck which included a note inside, you read it.

« Congratulations on the promotion from Waitress to Supervisor. Here is a bonus paycheck of 2,000 Dollars, keep up the good work Y/N!! »

You gasped and were lost for words. "I-Is this real?!" You said as you held the money up. He chuckled and nodded once again "Yup, you did a really good job out there, and your 16. You need it." He looked at you with a sad expression.

"Thank you, sir." You got up and bowed as you held the envelope tightly between your arms with tears in your eyes.
He got up as well "No worries, you deserve it. You have a daybreak today, have some fun!" You looked at him with a more shocked expression. "Thank you Manager Tonio!" You smiled greatly at him and rushed yourself outside his office, placed your apron back on the coat hanger, and ran straight to the mall to buy new manga, this time you were able to get at least 100 of them, 2,000 dollars can get you so much manga.

You found your favorite manga store and made your way in, as you were walking, you remembered that you had rented a manga called Jojo's Bizzare Adventure and returned it previously, and you wanted to re-read it because of how bizarre it was.
You searched for it, and found a new copy of the manga, you picked it up all the different volumes with a sparkle in your eyes, manga was truly a majestical thing, right?

You bought your manga and other things you needed for yourself from the mall and made your way towards a vast field, whilst the sunset turned in, you read two volumes which were Vol. 1: Phantom Blood, and Vol. 2: Battle Tendency. You were so happy, being able to release stress and relax was never something normal to you. As you pulled Volume 3 towards you, you heard yelling behind you.

"Y/N. WHY ARE YOU NOT AT WORK? WHAT IS THIS SHIT THAT YOU BOUGHT HUH?!" You knew it was your mom or that woman you lived with. You turned her way, and shot a fake smile while holding the note your manager gave you, she looked at it, then back at you, and glared at you. As she was too busy glaring, you picked up your things and walked back home whilst she was still trying to yell your name, it was as if she finally started caring, apologies were flying out her mouth, but you knew it was all a lie. She's a sick manipulator that's a money beggar too. As you finally reached your house, you made your way towards your bedroom, where you planned on reading the next volume of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

You landed face-first on your bed from exhaustion, but then got up and open the first page of the book. Even though you have already read it, it still felt like the first time you open a manga. It's that feeling of heaven.

When you opened the book, a light flashed before your eyes. You closed your eyes from how bright it was. "What the fuck was that?" You said quietly but with a shocked tone. "Who the fuck are you?" You heard a deep voice in front of you, you looked at him, and back at the book.
It couldn't be, is that who I think it is?

୨⎯"to be continued"⎯୧

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