"A Presence.."

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ྀ࿐ˊˎ- CHAPTER 5

Previously on 'From another dimension...'
You pulled your hand away as you ran towards Jotaro, you held you arm out for him to hold it, and he did. He held onto you tight as you both ran to begin this extremely bizzare adventure, with the animated man of your dreams.

You both ran far until you were sure you were far away from your 'home'.. well, not anymore I guess. You made it into a dark forest, where you stopped to catch your breath. Jotaro looked at you with curious eyes as he thought of an idea that would never usually come up in his mind. He never expected such thoughts, it was about you. He had a strong connection with you some how, you felt this also. Was this because he's your favourite character? Or because he comes from Jojo?? Nobody knew.
As you caught your breath, you caught jotaro still staring deep into your soul, it made your face go red. But you decided to notify him that he was staring. He looked away shortly and asked you a question that sparked inside of you. A deep thought question. "How does your world work? Is it the same or what??" He stared blankly at you again, you chuckled as he looked at you with dumbfounded eyes. "Yeah, same thing except its not really bizzare like how your world is. You have stands but that doesnt exist her-" He cut you off. "How do you know that? Stand users can see other stand users and you arent a stand user. There's still a chance you know." He looked away.

"Good Observation, Kujo." You heard a voice behind you, it was a familiar voice you didnt expect to hear. The man slowly peaked his head from behind the tree before revealing himself. It was my brother, Straizo. Why was he here? Wait.. Why did he reply to Jotaro's answer..? Is he possibly..

No.. No. My brother.. he couldnt be. Right??
Your brother had a strong glare of anguish and anger, he slowly made his way towards you before Jotaro stood infront of you, protecting you from your own brother. What did this mean?? Jotaro looked surprised and angry too. They had a similar expression in mind, What was this about?

୨⎯"to be continued"⎯୧
[LOLOL i wonder whats gonna happen 👀]

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