"The WORLD." Pt.2

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ྀ࿐ˊˎ- CHAPTER 20 🎉
Previously on 'From another dimension...'

"THE WORLD!" The blonde vampire spoke.


- Jotaro POV -

"DIO!" I yelled.

"Who would have thought? I have gotten one more chance to fight you, it's a sign of a massive win already." Dio spoke.

I quickly grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her behind me. I don't want to risk any deaths, unless it's DIO's. I pulled out my stand and saw Y/N next to me. "Oi! What are you doing?!" I shouted. She smirked and shot a glare towards DIO.

"I know all his weaknesses, his past, and all his relationships from all the books and mangas I have watched. I'll help you."

"Yare Yare Daze..." I couldn't do anything about it, but.. I didn't want her to be hurt. Now that she has a special pl--

"So.. How have you been? JOTARO." Dio spoke once more. I shot back towards him with a death glare and started walking towards him. So did Y/N.

DIO started barraging punches towards Jotaro, Y/N jumped in and spread vines across DIO's body.

Which prevented him from punching, Jotaro smirked as he continued barraging even harder with his last counter move.


Dio fell to the floor and had quickly got up. He grabbed Y/N and slammed her to the ground instantly, and began drinking her blood. Was this the end?

Jotaro looked mortified, and ran towards Dio with a hard punch, that Dio ended up deflecting.
"Jotaro.. it's too late now... IM REPEATING HISTORY! Remember your grandfather?!" He laughed hysterically.

"IZARIA!" Y/N yelled. She was in brutal pain but she still managed to get up. "vine manipulation..." she said tiredly. She looked like she was on the verge of death.

Dio fell to the floor once more. Jotaro ran towards Y/N in worry. "OI! Are you okay?!" He yelled, she looked so calm. "Finish him off.. quickly." she whispered. Jotaro nodded and walked towards Dio.
"ORA!" Star Platinum yelled.

"I-Impossible!! I am DIO--"
Dio.. once again. Had been defeated by Jotaro.

Y/N began coughing blood, loads of it as Jotaro went by her side. "Wait here. I'll go call for help." he said angrily.


Minutes after, an ambulance had arrived and had picked up both Polnareff, Y/N and Jotaro to make sure they are alright.

I am the ambulance with Y/N, and Polnareff, she was looking at me the whole time, as if she wanted to say something to me. I placed my hand on top of hers, she was really cold.

I am really worried about her, I really need to tell her something.


"Mr. Kujo?" I turned my head and saw a doctor. "Hm?"

"I apologise.. Jean Pierre Polnareff has passed away."

I looked at him in shock. There's no way. Polnareff.. My French Friend.. I saw Polnareff laying there, with a faint blue color all over his skin.

I knew exactly what to do. I pulled out my stand and started giving him a pulse. "He's alive. His heart is beating, do a blood transfusion with Dio's last limbs." He doctor nodded in disbelief. "That's not possible sir.. i'm a stand user, I know what your trying to do but.. it's not gonna work. I tried this before with a frie--"

"JUST DO IT. DAMNIT." I shot back. He went silent and got the amputated leg and started the transfusion. Dio took Y/N, and Polnareff's blood. If Dio ever is reincarnated again, he'll be dead meat, like always.

The blood transfusion was successful, and Polnareff woke up. Jotaro fell asleep, and so did Y/N.

Jotaro had a dream... It was a dream about how he could get back home. It was a portal.. A purple portal that only stand users may access. He woke up in an instant. "Jotaro.. You up?" Polnareff and Y/N spoke. They woke him up.

"I saw a portal.. Its the way to escape this place." He spoke, Y/N looked shocked. "Me too.. It was a purple one.. right?" Jotaro nodded and got up. They both healed well and got up and started walking towards the way they saw in the dream. However, Polnareff was too confused to even say anything, and just followed by.

୨⎯"to be continued"⎯୧
last chapter coming out soon.

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