"A mind full of guilt."

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ྀ࿐ˊˎ- CHAPTER 4

Previously on 'From another dimension...'

⇢˗ˏˋto my beloved brother, and family࿐ྂ

I'll miss all of you even though you treated me like a worker, more than a family member. I have chosen the better for myself, and don't want to ruin your lives by 'invading' it. Straizo, you are the reason why I wanted to keep going, your wise words will always be in my mind forever. Please continue to live life just like you always do, you have been the best brother I have had, and I wish you the best.

Yours Sincerely, Y/N.


Jotaro waited patiently for you to finish as he knew how you felt about this, but he could see how sad you were from the look in your eyes. He felt bad, but there was nothing he could do. While Jotaro was still in thought, you stared at him for a few seconds before placing your note on your now empty desk. "Let's go." You stated while still looking at his beauty. He nodded and opened your door gently and as quiet as possible so that no one would hear. You lead the way outside your front door with Jotaro. You spared one more glance at your home and looked at Jotaro. "How the hell will we know where to go, to bring you back now?" He looked at you and looked down. "Egypt. The portal we have to enter is there. I was told that seconds before I appeared in your house." Your eyes widely opened, but as you were gonna speak, someone spoke before you.

"I don't think that's gonna happen." A deep voice said, you looked back to see your brother Straizo with the note you put on your desk, with tears in his eyes. Jotaro furrowed his brow while you walked up to your brother with a small smile. "I know this is something you haven't expected me to do, but I promise it's for the best. I'll write to you, I promise." You held your brother's shoulder while he looked furious.

"So you are leaving for this bastard? Is he your boyfriend?" He shot glares towards Jotaro, and you sighed. You were going to say something until someone answered your question for you.

"It's none of your business, whether I am her boyfriend or not. I need her help with something. So fuck off scumbag." The deep voice spoke as he shot glares towards your older brother.
Your brother looked surprised, but was very angry. As you were about to talk you were yanked towards your brother as he held your arm painfully. It hurt a lot, it felt like his nails dug into your skin. You pulled your hand away as you ran towards Jotaro, you held you arm out for him to hold it, and he did. He held onto you tight as you both ran to begin this extremely bizzare adventure, with the animated man of your dreams.

୨⎯"to be continued"⎯୧

[hehe this chapter is one of my favs frfr]

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