"The journey.."

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ྀ࿐ˊˎ- CHAPTER 8

Previously on 'From another dimension...'
"Well, I was on my way home back to Japan to see my mom, but a beam light came out of nowhere and sent me here. But there was something telling me about where I was going.. Like a voice telling me to go to Egypt." You looked at him curiously, as you were going to speak, the bus had arrived. He got up and signaled you to follow him, you followed him in the bus and sat next to him while the bus was making its way to the airport. This was going to be a long journey.


You stared at the peaceful atmosphere as the sun made it's way upwards. You've never felt so relaxed before.. seconds after your daydreaming, a finger poked your shoulder and it was Jotaro. "Oi. Did you not hear me? We made it to the aiport." You looked at him and quickly grabbed your belongings that were laying on your lap, he did the same and got up as you both made your way down the bus. As you looked up at the giant airport you thought to yourself.. It's been only a day and all of this had already happened. Things that you never expected ended up happening, it left you in a long thought.
Just as you were thinking, Jotaro caught your attention. He held out a cigarette and started walking towards the entrance, he looked back at you and you followed him. As you made your way inside, you made your way to the counter to check in. "How may I help you two lovey doveys?" He smiled creepily at the both of you, Jotaro looked weirded out but he ignored it and left it at a notice. He filled in the details that needed to be checked off and you were ready to enter the actual airport. As you picked up your checked bags, you started walking alongside with Jotaro, for some reason, you felt a presence looking directly into your soul.
You looked back to see that creep from the check-in, but he wasnt where he was supposed to be. He was behind you both, and he was trying to touch you. You pushed him and kicked him to the ground as Jotaro turned towards you and pulled you behind him so he could defend you. As much as you liked him defending you, you felt like you could defend yourself. But.. it turns out that guy was a whole stand user. So you couldn't do that.
As Jotaro pulled out Star Platinum he beat the creep to a pulp before sighing. "Yare Yare Daze.. we dont have much time before boarding starts, Lets go." You glanced at him and nodded, as you both made your way towards the gate and sat down before the boarding began. You both got lucky and the boarding began seconds after you sat down, you quickly got up with your small backpack witth Jotaro and headed inside the aircraft. It somewhat reminded you of the plot of Stardust Crusaders.. How the airplane crashed because of a stand user that had a bug.. I wonder what will happen this time.. Will it be the same fate?

୨⎯"to be continued"⎯୧


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