"A light.."

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ྀ࿐ˊˎ- CHAPTER 17
Previously on 'From another dimension...'

You found a taxi and sat inside with the others. "Take us to Cairo."
"Sure thing, sir" the driver spoke with a creepy tone. What was his problem?

Jotaro stared at him suspicious and looked at the both of you, you are Polnareff nodded in response back and asked the driver to stop the car. He rejected the idea and said they were near Cairo already. Jotaro looked straight ahead and saw the road ahead. The driver was right, the sign that welcomed people to Cairo was standing above the sand. The driver continued however Jotaro stared him down.

Looking at every action, and movement he has done. The driver realised this and felt slightly nervous.

All of a sudden..
The driver jumped out of his seat and latched onto Jotaro as the car swerved towards the right. "Oi! Get off me!" Jotaro spoke as he got Star Platinum out, The man smirked and placed a bomb on Jotaro. Any actions to harm the driver would end up in a death. You gasped and quickly got up and managed to control the car before it turned into debris with the sand off the road.
Polnarreff pushed the taxi driver and called out his stand.
The guy had gotten stabbed by the one and only Polnareff, well... he thought he did.

Time felt like it decreased, seconds turned into minutes and you stared jaw dropped behind you as you saw the light coming from Jotaro's chest... was this the end....?

୨⎯"to be continued"⎯୧

A/N: i passed all 8 exams 😛😛
more chapters coming soon

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