"A false boarding"

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ྀ࿐ˊˎ- CHAPTER 9

Previously on 'From another dimension...'

You both got lucky and the boarding began seconds after you sat down, you quickly got up with your small backpack with Jotaro and headed inside the aircraft. It somewhat reminded you of the plot of Stardust Crusaders.. How the airplane crashed because of a stand user that had a bug.. I wonder what will happen this time.. Will it be the same fate?

~ long chapter ahead!! 🧍🏽‍♀️~
As you boarded, you looked back to see if that old creepy fart was still following you, luckily you didn't see him anywhere which made you believe there wasn't a threat like him on board. Atleast for now.
You placed your luggage in the storage compartment as Jotaro held the compartment open for you, you smiled and shoved it in before having a seat in your economy window-seat. You looked outside the window as you saw the aircraft marshallers signaled the plane to start moving. You quickly put on your seatbelt as your eyes sparkled at how serious the workers looked. It mesmerised you so much, seconds later Jotaro poked your shoulder as you turned his way. He had a few biscuits in his hand and broke it in half, he gave you one half as he had the other. For some reason you had a thought in your head, a thought that this wasn't the same Jotaro you have known the majority of the time your read the manga, and seen the anime itself. It was weird but you ignored it and enjoyed the snack.
As the plane ascended slowly in the atmosphere, you started to feel extremely drowsy. You had some sleep but were you really this tired? As your eyes slowly closed you heard a small laugh next to you, what the hell was going on?

I was walking around the airport waiting for my flight with Y/N, but for some reason she was acting really weird, very different from how she was acting previously. I wanted to test her and see if it was really her, I didn't want to fall in a stand's tricks now. It's too early and I'm not in the mood for that now. "Hey Y/N, how are you feeling?" I asked her, I remembered how she would limp because of the wound that appeared a few hours back. Y/N responded back with a cold response. "Yeah yeah, I'm fineee." She looked at me with evil eyes, it confused me. After that weird encounter, I had one choice left. That was to physically hurt her and see what she would do. A stand user would react easily, Y/N doesnt even have a stand yet so this should be a good time to do this. I took out star platinum and threw a strong yet subtle way to see her reaction, I saw a figure flashing before my eyes. This wasn't Y/N, it was a stand user.. But.. Where's Y/N? Is she okay? My thoughts disappeared as the stand user started laughing abnormally infront of everyone at the airport. It was concerning, I wanted to end this fight quickly and go and find Y/N, this seriously was not a good place to fight. I hit him with my barrage as he did the same..

"ORA!                                       ORA!
        ORA!       ORA!         ORA!
ORA!                ORA!"

"KURA!      KURA!
          KURA!                        KURAAAA!"

Fortunately, I managed to outperform him and flung him towards the ground. I grabbed him by the collar as I ended him off with a strong barrage. Punches of anger flew towards his way as his real body started to form. It was his stand, which meant there's a high chance the user may be with Y/N. This was really bad... I had to find her now. The stand started flying away, I suspected it was going back to it's user. I ran as fast as I could chasing it, and it brought me to a boarding gate. I ran inside and found Y/N's unconscious self sitting next to a guy.. specifically.. the old hag from the counters. He was touching her in a sexual way and it disgusted me. She was unconscious and he was doing this? How ridiculous. I grabbed him by the collar and saw his ugly deformed face from the punches I gave his stand. I beat him up to a pulp until he didn't have a pulse anymore. I couldn't let anyone touch her like that, especially because she's been through a lot and decided to help me come back to my own dimension. I picked her up and started seeing the airplane shake and slowly become transparent. Did this stand user have control over this fake aircraft too? What a weirdo, he controls so much yet he couldnt even get me easily. As I quickly grabbed her belongings and places it on my shouldet, I ran out of the aircraft before it completely despawned. We made it back outside the boarding gates and I saw the letters of the current gate disappear.. So this weird stand user also changed the boarding gates number and made Y/N think she was at the correct flight, how smart. Finally, we went to our actual boarding gate and sat down as there was a 15-minute wait before boarding began. She was still in my arms but she looked so peaceful, it was cute in a way. Wait.. what the hell am I thinking?? .. As I started thinking to myself, I stumbled upon seeing Y/N open her eyes, she caught me staring deep into her soul with a small smile, she smiled back too.. Yare Yare Daze.

- Y/N's POV -

I woke up to see Jotaro holding me in his arms, weren't we already on the plane? "Did we already arrive? You could've woken me up ya' know." I said, he looked back at me
and sighed. "A stand user morphed as me and tricked you into thinking I was him, he did the same with me. He's gone now though." He sighed, I looked at him with shocking eyes. How the hell did he say that so casually.. Oh right, he IS the Jotaro Kujo. What would you expect from him?

୨⎯"to be continued"⎯୧
A/N: this is the most ive written for something that isnt an assignment HAHAH expect more long chapters coming up sooon~~ 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️

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