"From my prize posession"

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ྀ࿐ˊˎ- CHAPTER 3

Previously on "From Another Dimension"

When you opened the book, a light flashed before your eyes. You closed your eyes from how bright it was. "What the fuck was that?" You said quietly but with a shocked tone. "Who the fuck are you?" You heard a deep voice in front of you, you looked at him, and back at the book.
It couldn't be, is that who I think it is?


As you were trying to process what the hell just happened, you were grabbed by the collar by a gigantic hand. Is this real?? "Who are you, and why did you bring me here?" A deep voice stated, you didn't know what to say, you just stood there not believing your own eyes. "Are you.. actually Jotaro Kujo from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure..?" He looked at you with an even colder glare, "Stop fucking joking around, do you have a death wish?" He asked loudly whilst he started choking you. You pointed at your manga due to not being able to breathe, your eyes were teary too.

He looked down, and saw his face on the book cover. He took his hand off your neck and put his focus into the Manga, looking shocked. That gave you the chance to wipe your tears and ask questions to him; "Hey, why are you in my room?", "Are you a cosplayer that cosplays anime characters?", "Are you really Jotaro Kujo?", "What was the last thing you remembered before literally showing up in my room????" Your eyes sparkled because of his beauty, he looked way better than how he looks in the manga, he was an asian with curly hair and BLUE EYES?? THATS MAJESTICAL..

He caught you staring, and came to the conclusion that he was in a different dimension, which he was correct. No one knew how he showed up from a book, to real life. Well, at least it was 'real life' for you. For Jotaro, he was basically in a world that wasn't his, and he had to desperately go back, so he could meet his mom. He fought for her life and as a reward he was sent to a different dimension, how sad is that?

You heard a knock on your door, it was your brother Straizo, he had gotten worried because of the scary yelling he heard. You gasped and looked at Jotaro, He grabbed his arm and pushed him in your closet. "Wait inside and shut up." He stared at you before sighing deeply. You closed the closet door and unlocked your door for your older brother Straizo to come in, as soon as you open the door he made a serious, yet worried expression. "Did you hear that male voice? Is there a guy in your room?, Who's hurting you!" He yelled as he started looking around your small room. "It's nothing, I was showing a show on my computer. They were yelling and I was getting hyped because the battle was going to begin." You smiled widely at him before pushing him outside your room, he still looked shocked but you closed your door and locked in once again. so it was guaranteed that no one would show up in your room to see a tall ass delinquent in your room.

You slowly made your way towards the closet being afraid of getting scolded by THE Jotaro Kujo. You opened the door while biting your lip. He was still glaring at you. "Haha.. Sorry about that, it's just that my family are crazy. If they found out I had a boy in my room, who knows what would happen to me. I'd probably get kicked ou-" "Stop blabbering nonsense and help me go back to where I came from. Let's go. You are just wasting time by saying stuff." He jumped out of the closet and grabbed your arm. You yelped but you didn't resist it, his strength was insane. "Wait!" you spoke loudly, but not loud enough for your family to hear you. "Listen, if my mom finds out you're here, she will literally kick me out. She hates me." You looked down at your floor.

He paused, and sighed. "If she hates you so much, she wouldn't want to see your face, correct?" You looked his eyes and looked away in an instant, he was right. "Fair point, I guess." You sighed. "Alright, can I at least pack something?" He nodded and let you go once more. You picked up the bag you take daily to your work pace, and school and emptied it before packing clothes, your favorite mangas, and some snacks that take a long time to expire, and some money. Somehow it all managed to fit inside, the only issue was that it was heavy.

"Alright, let's just go I guess." You looked sad, but you knew what Jotaro went through and wanted to help him. He was one of your favorite characters in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure because you related to him the most, and you also knew how he felt in every chapter of the manga. You spared one more glance at your bedroom, and made your way towards your door. That's when you remembered your brother Straizo, how would he feel if you left all of a sudden without any type of context. He would slowly lose himself, so you quickly wrote a note targeted towards your brother, and your careless parents, even though you knew they wouldn't give a fuck.

⇢˗ˏˋto my beloved brother, and family࿐ྂ

I'll miss all of you even though you treated me like a worker, more than a family member. I have chosen the better for myself, and don't want to ruin your lifes by 'invading' it. Straizo, you are the reason why I wanted to keep going, your wise words will always be in my mind forever. Please continue to live life just like you always do, you have been the best brother I have had, and I wish you the best.

Yours Sincerely, Y/N.

Jotaro waited patiently for you to finish as he knew how you felt about this, but he could see how sad you were from the look in your eyes. He felt bad, but there was nothing he could do. While Jotaro was still in thoughts, you stared at him for a few seconds before placing your note on your now empty desk. "Let's go." You stated while still looking at his beauty. He nodded and opened your door gently and as quiet as possible so that no one would hear. You lead the way outside your front door with Jotaro. You spared one more glance at your home and looked at Jotaro. "How the hell will we know where to go, to bring you back now?" He looked at you and looked down. "Egypt. The portal we have to enter is there. I was told that seconds before I appeared in your house." Your eyes widely opened, but as you were gonna speak, someone spoke before you.

"I don't think that's gonna happen."

୨⎯"to be continued"⎯୧

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