"A new user.."

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ྀ࿐ˊˎ- CHAPTER 13

Previously on 'From another dimension...'

"Kkkk.. Kk.. Who will be my next victim eh?! Jotaro Kujo.. and Y/N L/N? What an easy pair! Let's do this." A kid spoke..

As Jotaro and Y/N got into the taxi, they felt like something was wrong. There was no way they would be able to make it to Cairo with no issue.. right?

All of a sudden, something had flung the car in the air. The car started ascending into the air as Jotaro and Y/N tried to figure out what was happening.
"Izaria!!" "Star Platinum!!"
Your stand had released vines and held onto something whilst Jotaro's stand had held a light post make the vehicle stable.
Before you knew it, Jotaro had gotten on top of you to protect you from getting injured. It shocked you, but there wasn't really anything you could do about it. He's like 50 times stronger than you....

As the pressure had released from the car, Y/N was the first to get up and scooch Jotaro to the side, but.. the driver had died. His head, ..... was gone. The blood from his remains were everywhere, it wasn't a good view to look at.

Jotaro then opened the car door and picked you up, and jumped out. "This is insane." You said.

From everything, that's what happened? How bizzare. You told Jotaro to put you down and so he did. Your head was bleeding from the sudden pressure and he was quick to try and pick you up again. "Jotaro, I promise you i'm fine. Don't worry, its one small cut.". "Yare Yare.. if you faint, it's not my fault." You smiled and nodded. A few moments later, and a crowd was formed. Everyone including the locals of Egypt had been staring and gasping at the scene. A car that had been strapped onto a light pole, with a male's head laying below it. A little kid that had seen that starting crying, as if he had seen the devil himself.

The atmosphere had become awkward, everyone was staring at you too. Jotaro looked like he was used to it. You on the other hand, felt extremely guilty and tried going to the kid and apologising, however Jotaro was quick with it. He picked you up and continued walking towards the road and continued his route to Cairo. "Hey!! Put me down." Jotaro sighed.. "No, your going to have to get used to it. We have a destination to go to, and we can't waste any time." You scoffed and looked away.

You understood what he meant, but looking at people losing their lives every day, looking at your own brother die in front of you.. it hurt you. Knowing what Jotaro went through with all the deaths of his sidekicks, had made you feel extreme guilt for him.

"I'm sorry, Jotaro."

"For??? You didn't do anything wrong."

"No.. I mean for everything you've been through. In your dimension, and over here is just making things worse for you."

Jotaro looked at you, you saw his soft gaze. He didn't expect you to bring all of that up, he sighed once more.

"Again, it's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I should be hearing an apology from Dio, not you."

You went silent. Not knowing what to say, you looked away and tried to forget about what you just said.. Jotaro stopped walking and looked down his hat went down.

"Stop feeling guilty for me.."
Jotaro stated.. he sounded sad.. this time. You looked back at him, and saw one teardrop falling from his eye.
"Jotaro..." You held him closer whilst still being in his arms. Jotaro just stood there, giving you full permission to hug him. After that moment, you both let go of eachother. You also got off his arms. "Let's go.. Cairo won't come to us ya know." You said while wiping his tear.


As you both walked under the hot sun waiting to reach any sort of restaurant or coffee shop for some water, footsteps approached from behind you both. "Oi Oi Oi... Kkkk.. you thought I was really gonna let you guys flee the scene as if nothing just happened??" A short kid spoke. It was the same kid that had cried, what the hell??

Jotaro had turned as his emotion had instantly changed. He looked upset. He walked towards the kid, however the kid threw a bomb on Jotaro's foot. "One move, and you'll end up just like your poor little sidekicks." The kid smirked.

Jotaro looked surprised, but held his guard up. You on the other hand, decided to step closer towards the kid too, to see what the would do. As expected, the kid pulled out a stand and tried to throw a bomb at you too.

Sheesh, this kid didn't know what was coming for him. Specifically because he things some bombs would stop you.

As soon as the kid through the bomb towards you, you pulled out your stand and used your vines to yank it towards the kid. The kid screamed before blowing up into pieces, well deserved.

Jotaro on the other hand, looked worried. He didn't want to move because the bomb didn't disappear.. did this mean that the kid really bought bombs for the sake of killing the pair? Who knew.

Y/N slowly made her way towards the 17-year old boy.. "Stop. You'll get hurt."
The lady smirked, "I'm not gonna ignite it. I know how bombs work, i'll get it off. Just don't move." She responded happily. "Still.. be careful. I don't want to die." Y/N looked at him and glared. "Oh shut up!! You wont." Jotaro just stayed quiet as you slowly turned off the bomb. Now everything was all good. Atleast for now.. Now it was time to finally head to Cairo.

What a long way its gonna be...
୨⎯"to be continued"⎯୧

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