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ྀ࿐ˊˎ- CHAPTER 11

Previously on 'From another dimension...'

As the bullet made its way towards your skull, a spirit flew out of you and stopped it just in time. It was something you never expected, you became a stand user.


Your eyes lit up as you got up and grabbed the guy using your stand.. the old hag didn't know what was coming his way. You started attacking him before your stand unleashed it's power by itself ...


Your stand had green leaves shooting towards the guy with a pink aura surrounding it, it flew towards him as he slowly morphed into dust whilst screaming in agony before disappearing for good .. "What. The. Actual. Fuck." You stood there trying to process what you just happened to see.. YOU WERE A STAND USER??

As a staff member working on board the plane rushed towards the scene, you pulled yourself, and Jotaro back your seats and acted as if nothing happened. To the tourists on flight, they thought you both were maniacs who decided to start yelling at a guy holding nothing in his hand, it made you chuckle quietly at the thought of it. As the plane kept doing its business flying around towards Egypt, you started thinking about names for your stand. However Jotaro stared at you with shocked eyes whilst still trying to understand how you made that guy decompose into ashes, it was something he had never seen before, moreover, he had a thought that you might become stronger than him, stronger than Dio.

-- Y/N POV --
I kept thinking to myself about names for the stand I just got, it looked very nature-like so you had to think of a name suitable for it.

"Hm.. how about Lotus.. or Juniper...?" You mumbled quiety, Jotaro looked at you and scoffed. "Those are weird names.. come up with something better." You glared at him before looking away towards the airplane's window. Your ideas of names flew in, and out of your head..
'.. Aster... Embry.. Green-Spirit.. Te Fiti.. Iris.. Emerald Gem.. Raven.. Izaria.. wait.. Izaria..'
You came to the conclusion of calling your new stand Izaria.. it stood out to you, it sounded so majestical, you smiled brightly at the idea of it.


:: Stand Name: Izaria
:: Stand User: Y/N L/N
𖦹 :: Destructive Power: S
𖧧 :: Power Persistence: A
𖦁 :: Speed: B
:: Range: A
:: Developmental Potential: B


୨⎯"to be continued"⎯୧

A/N :: Happy new year, and happy late christmas.. sorry for not updating lately! today, I saw that we ranked 1# in the hashtag #jojopart3, i am so happy and i wanted to thank you all for the support!! love you all!! also a long chapter is incoming... 🤪🤪

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