Lumpy Motel Mattresses

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Sam and Bucky have been on the road. Sam's been having trouble sleeping, probably because Bucky's been on his mind. Bucky tries to be accommodating to help Sam sleep.

Shit, thought Bucky, as he tossed and turned in the lumpy motel bed. It was squeaky. Sam was a light sleeper at the best of times. He would have to stay unnaturally still so that Sam would at least be able to drift off.

It was almost ten o'clock, and they'd been driving for hours. Sam suggested that they check-in somewhere and continue the drive in the morning. That was alright with Bucky; the current mission had been a waste of time and resources, and he wanted nothing more than to rest. He knew he'd be able to drift off easily. It was a strange residual effect of the years of being in cryostasis: He could fall asleep in the blink of an eye. But Sam could not; and Sam needed the rest more than Bucky did.

Bucky heard the shower shut off, and then tried to quickly find a comfortable position on his bed so that he'd be ready to sleep, and not toss around too much impeding Sam's slumber. As the door to the bathroom opened, some steam entered the room, and the harsh fluorescent light caused him to squint a moment before Sam switched it off. Sam then stepped out wearing nothing but a small, white towel around his waist. Bucky watched as he turned his back, and then removed the towel. Before Sam pulled on his shorts, Bucky could make out the shape of his prefect ass. He felt his dick stir in his sweatpants. He felt bad for ogling his partner, so he rolled onto his back. The damn bed squeaked and got Sam's attention.

"Great," he said. "That's gonna annoy the shit outta me."

"What?" said Bucky.

"That fuckin' squeaky ass bed," he said.

"You wanna swap?" Bucky teased.

"Hell no," said Sam. "Just make sure you don't keep makin' it squeak all night. I'm tired as shit."

"Sure, pal," said Bucky as he closed his eyes.

After a moment, Bucky needed to change position as they lumpiness of the mattress was making it difficult for him to get comfortable. The bed squeaked once more.

"Come on, Barnes," said Sam. "Just because you can basically go into a coma as soon as your eyes shut. Some of us need it to be quiet to actually sleep. I gotta drive tomorrow."

"Sorry," said Bucky. "It ain't like I'm doin' it on purpose."

Silence pervaded. Bucky listened to Sam's breathing get steadier and steadier. Lying in that one position, on the lumpy fucking mattress was not the most pleasant feeling. He surmised he had been in more uncomfortable situations in the past, and that a lumpy bed should not bother him, but it did. He turned over to his side and drew out a loud squeak.

"Goddamn it, Barnes," said Sam. "What's with you?"

"I can't get comfy on this lumpy mattress," he replied. "So, I'm wide awake."

"If you went to sleep, you wouldn't have to worry about being comfy."

"Well, I can't sleep."

"Why don't you jerk off," said Sam in a matter-of-fact manner.

Bucky scoffed and said, "Fuck off."

"Hey, it always helps me to feel drowsy," said Sam, his tone changing slightly.

Was he truly serious right now? Was he cool with Bucky just rubbing one out while he was lying in the same room as him? Surely Sam was joking. Somewhere deep down, Bucky wished that he wasn't. A silence fell over them again as they each laid there in the dark. After a moment, Sam spoke again; his voice was even and direct.

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