May I Have This Dance?

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Sam plans a community-wide dance at the VA and brings his family along. It's the silly dancing, the balloon games, and the sweet moments that remind Sam and Bucky that they wouldn't want life any other way.

When Sam came home from his Thursday afternoon volunteer counseling shift at the VA, he looked like he had just stumbled across a winning lottery ticket held out to him by Marvin Gaye himself. Bucky was immediately suspicious.

"What fresh hell do you have waiting for me now?" he groaned, setting down his worn copy of the Lord of the Rings.

"I have no clue what you mean," Sam nearly hummed, kicking his shoes off and hinging his coat up with a dance.

"You know exactly what I mean. Anytime you get like this, I typically am subjected to something embarrassing. Please don't tell me I have to go on Ellen with you again."

"Bucky. Baby! Light of my life! My Vibranium-fisted soul. Do you think I would do such a thing?" Coupled with his dramatized tone, he threw himself on the couch next to Bucky. "You wound me, my metal-armed lover!"

Bucky grabbed his irritating husband and pulled him in close. He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips sternly.

"Careful, Buck. You're gonna start something we can't finish before the girls' bus gets here," Sam chided, fluttering his pretty lashes. Bucky swatted him on the shoulder.

"Tell. Me. Now. Samuel," he growled, his severe look threatening to break into a seductive smirk. He didn't miss the slight shutter from Sam.

"Fine. But you take the fun out of everything. I'm planning a spring event for the VA."

Bucky was confused. Sam typically did things outside of his group meetings with the Vets. Sometimes they would have pizza nights or go on group outings to the movies or the bowling alley.

"Okay. That's good. Are you guys gonna go see a new movie?"

"No. It's more of-ah-more of a community event." Bucky nodded, his gaze fully on Sam, urging him to spit it out. "I'm hosting a community ball. The Vets, their families, and anyone in the community are invited to come and have a blast."

"That's great, Baby," Bucky praised. He felt that there was something else to Sam's event, but he was happy that his husband found such joy in doing things for others.


"Excuse me?" Bucky asked silkily, his proud smile turning into a petulant pout immediately at the rushed sentence. "Don't think I heard you correctly, Sam. Wanna run that by me again?"

"C'mon Buck, it'll be fun. Dancing, snacks, the girls all dressed up and having a good time? Please come to the dance with me?"

Sam had slid into Bucky's lap at the start of his begging. He held His face gently between his warm, callused hands. Bucky stared into those warm brown eyes and that gapped-toothed grin that he fell in love with all over again. Dammit, Sam knew how to convince a guy.

"Fine, but I'm not dancing and I'm not gonna like it," He grumbled. "Now, give me a kiss for my troubles."

Sam happily obliged, his grin never fading as they kissed deeply.

"A dance?! Like a princess ball?"

Sam smiled as Bucky tried to hide his fond grin behind a fork-full of mixed vegetables. Bex was in that princess stage in all but dress. She loved her dolls in their royal garb, but you wouldn't catch her dead in tights or ruffles.

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