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//Mostly fluff - not much NSFW//
Could cover some darker topics so WARNING - covers some trauma and anxiety but never in extreme detail!

"Damn it!" Bucky said in a snarked rage as ceramic shards fell across the wooden floor of his New York apartment.

"What have you done now? I've only just got here and you're already up to no good" Sam humoured as he walked in.

"Well sorry, How did you even get in here anyway? I don't remember giving you a key, wait when did I give you a key?" Bucky responded sarcastically.

"How and when I got the key doesn't matter, what does matter is that I can come round to check on you whenever I need" Sam volleyed back

"Wow I never knew I needed a babysitter" Bucky laughed at his own joke as he grabbed the splintered handled broom leant against the kitchen counter and began to sweep up the shattered plate on the floor. "AGK!" he shouted and shook his right hand aggressively "Stupid broom!" he threw the broom to the floor and checked his hand - that was definitely a splinter. "Aren't you a medic or something Sam? Don't just stand there, do something!" he said patronisingly.

"It is only a little splinter don't worry about it, go and sit down while I clean up this mess and then I will come and sort that splinter of yours ok?" Sam gestured towards the new sofa in the living space where Bucky used to sleep. Bucky went to sit down, despite all his years of fights and tolerance for pain his eyes still began to well - it had been a long time since he had got a splinter, they weren't all that common for an ex assassin.

"Hey you good? Look don't worry, I'm cleaning up this plate as we speak. Don't get upset, it is just a plate. I can get you a new one next time I go to the shop, yeah?" Sam explained tentatively as he carefully swept up the plate, making sure not to get a splinter like his friend. Bucky nodded to Sam from the sofa, he stared out the window to distract himself from the pain and memories that came back with it.

He zoned out counting the birds he could see through the window. 'One pigeon, two pigeon, three pigeon' he mumbled quietly. Counting things that you can see was a technique Sam told Bucky about for when he needed some distraction.

"You counting stuff again? It's good to see you putting my methods to use. And you said that it would be useless" Sam snickered to lighten the mood as he put the plate fragments in the bin, put the worn broom down and began to walk over to the sofa where Bucky was sitting. He smiled gently past the pain while he held his hands together and sat bouncing his leg to continue his self distraction.

"Well I'm done sweeping!" Sam exhaled. He walked towards the bathroom past the kitchen island while Bucky still stared out of the window this time counting roof tops. A clatter came from the bathroom.

"SAM! Are you ok?!" Bucky shouted in a panic coming back into focus and momentarily ignoring the pain from the splinter.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Just dropped something out of the bathroom cabinet that's all, I am just trying to find some tweezers." Sam shouted back muffled from behind the shut door. Bucky sighed in deep relief and felt a drop of pain in his hand where the splinter was. He clenched his cold metal hand against the sore splintered hand and pulled them close to his body, continuing to bounce his left leg to distract himself from the pain.

"GOT THEM!" Sam said excitedly from the bathroom. He opened the door in a swinging manner making Bucky jump out of his disassociated blank stare. "Oh man I am so sorry I made you jump. I didn't mean to" Sam apologised profusely while walking over to the sofa, jumping over the back to try and lighten the mood.

"Don't worry about it." Bucky responded, trying to make Sam feel better - after all it wasn't Sam's fault that Bucky was so startled by the loud noise he had made. Both Sam and Bucky knew that this splinter was really going to hurt so they sat carefully facing each other on the sofa. Bucky rested one leg over the other and turned towards Sam who was holding the tweezers ready.

"Pass me your hand." Sam said tentatively. Bucky slowly placed his hand towards Sam and he rested it gently in Sam's open hand. They stared at each other softly as their once delicate hands touched. Before they became too entwined in one another's gaze (and before they started blushing) Sam chirped up to get the attention back on the matter at hand.

"Right, are you ready?" Sam said in a jittering and terrified voice. Bucky nodded with the look of sallow fear upon his face, despite his attempt to smile anyway. "Ok then. On three"




Sam pulled back the tweezers, taking the inch long splinter out with them. Before Bucky could say anything from the pain Sam had already wiped the cut with a wet tissue and put a plaster on for good measure.

"Crap that really hurt." Bucky said in discomfort. Even though he was in pain from the cut he felt comfort in Sam helping him, nobody had helped him like that in a long time - Hydra were never ones to be caring towards him. He smiled at Sam. Sam Smiled back.

"Sorry that it hurt but hey at least it's out now right" Sam said charismatically

"Yeah but was the pink princess plaster really necessary?" Bucky responded jokingly as he stared down at the plastic-y children's plaster he had received. Sam laughed as they continued passing witty comments back and forth to one another. "Hey seriously though, thank you I think I would have sat staring out the window in pain if you weren't here to help me." Bucky said in a softened but still charismatic manner.

The pair sat on the sofa exchanging conversation and drinking hot beverages while the tv played quiz based game shows quietly in the background until dusk came along.

"Wow it's getting pretty dark. I can't believe I have been here..." Sam checked his watch to see what time it was "what is that 4 hours!" he said in disbelief. "Buck?"

In all the panic and stress of the day Bucky had fallen asleep on Sam's shoulder as if it were the most comfortable pillow he had ever slept on. "Hey Buck, you gonna move, I can't sit here forever (as much as I would like to)?" Sam whispered quietly to his dosing friend.

"Hmm Sam don't go please?" Bucky mumbled half asleep still. He pulled Sam's cord jacket towards him in a wanting gesture as Sam stood up and turned away from the sofa.

"Ok fine fine I'll stay the night - BUT only tonight." Sam said sarcastically knowing that he was going to stay anyway. Sam sat back down and pulled the soft fleece blanket off of the back of the sofa over both of them. "My Sleeping Beauty" Sam said jokingly pointing towards Bucky's plaster still on his hand from earlier. The soft green glow from the television, the only light in the room and the mild noise of New York traffic made the two fall asleep, unknowingly cuddled up together.

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