Dinner Date

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Sam and Bucky find themselves in a twist when culinary disaster strikes the kitchen...

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Well there goes my lunch" Bucky sighed in frustration, as the fire alarm started beeping aggressively from the kitchen and smoke began seeping from the oven door. "Mrs Rodgers did always tell me I was a terrible cook though, suppose she was right huh?" he mumbled to himself as frantically turned the oven off past the smoke, opened the kitchen window and began swinging a towel in the air to get the fire alarm to stop beeping. "Sam will be here any minute and it was my job to make dinner and his job to bring dessert, and I'm not even dressed yet." He continued to panic as the beeping finally came to an end. "and I am not even going to open that" he said glaring at the oven door.

*ding dong* "Oh god the door" he said in horror. He walked over to the door hesitantly and clicked the lock. "Hey Sam" he smiled awkwardly trying to make sure Sam didn't see the smoke coming from the kitchen or better yet smell the smoke coming from the kitchen. Silence fell between the two as they stared at one another.

"What the hell happened to you?!" they said in unison. Sam stared at Bucky, his hair was messily dampened on his forehead, his pyjama trousers dragging on the floor and his face had soot marks, from the burnt food, plastered on his cheeks. Bucky stared back at Sam, from head to toe he was covered in buttercream frosting, his jacket was ripped on the sleeve and in his hand was a crushed cake box - with no cake.

"Would you believe me if I told you I fell over with the cake literally two seconds ago coming up your block stairs?" Sam said awkwardly. "and you?" he continued.

"Well would you believe me if I told you I set the pizza on fire and nearly burnt down my kitchen?" Bucky replied sarcastically. "But yeah, I can buy that you fell up the stairs" he laughed at Sam's cake covered state. "So are you just going to stand at my door covered in Oreo guts or are you going to come inside and get cleaned up?" Bucky remarked playfully as he walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a handful of tissues and handed them Sam who was closing the door behind him.

"Good God!" Sam exclaimed as he turned the corner to the smoky looking kitchen. He walked over to the bin to throw the cake box away "What should we do now then?" Sam asked, looking at the charred pizza that Bucky had just placed on the stove top and then glancing down at himself covered in cake and frosting.

"We could get take out or we could go out looking like two hot messes." Bucky joked while gesturing to himself and then to Sam. "I mean come on, you have a ripped jacket covered in cake and I am still wearing my pyjamas, we don't exactly have a lot going for us do we?" he continued while laughing.

"Hmm it's going to be a hard decision," Sam said satirically while taking off his jacket and walking towards the bathroom to put it in the laundry basket. "But hey at least you've got a new jacket." Sam continued "the tear is on the left arm ha" He laughed. Bucky rolled his eyes while smiling at Sam's humorous remark. "Take it out then?" Sam reminded Bucky as he went to sit at the table waiting for Bucky to come and sit down. From the kitchen the sound of cabinets and drawers opening and closing could be heard along with the rustling of leaflets, presumably menus and advertisements from various restaurants in the local area. Bucky walked over to the table, a hoard of papers in one hand and a single being read in the other.

"This one says they have 'state renowned pasta dishes', and this one says they have 'the best ice cream in Brooklyn' and the rest, well are the exact same leaflet from the same sushi shop down the road that I have apparently collected fifteen of over the past few months" Bucky said while flicking through the multiple leaflets crumpled up in his hand.

"You know we could just order Pizza Hut right?" Sam said while pulling up the app on his phone and turning it to face Bucky

"Pizza Hut? What's Pizza Hut?" Bucky said confused "I mean I imagine that they sell pizza but you talk about it like everyone should know it." He continued while pulling a puzzled smirk.

"What do you mean you don't know what Pizza Hut is...wait yeah never mind, it didn't open till the 50s" Sam explained "Basically it's a pizza place but they have shops everywhere, really well known, and with amazing stuff." he continued to clarify to Bucky what it was.

"Well I can tell you like it!" Bucky said with dazzled eyes - he loved when Sam explained things to him, he always did it with such enthusiasm and care, and always making sure that no detail was left out. "If you like it we can have it, and it will be something new for me too" He continued while sitting at the other side of the table. "and it will 100% be better than that" he said while glaring at the brick of a pizza on his stove top.

The two of them sat looking at Sam's phone while they discussed which pizza to have, as well as sides, drinks and desserts. They knew they wanted to order plenty; they deserved it after the disaster of meal prep from earlier. They played their order safely with a stuffed crust pepperoni with fries as a side, two colas to drink and cheesecake for dessert as they both knew they would like it. They ordered the food and patiently waited for it to arrive. In the meantime they talked about a variety of things, getting to know each other better outside the formalities of working and fighting against villains.

Eventually there was a brisk knock on the door as the food finally arrived. Sam went to get the food from the man and carried it all flawlessly to the table they were sitting at.

"Enjoy your meal!" the man said before swiftly leaving. While Sam carefully sorted the courses into piles Bucky went to the kitchen to get cups, plates and cutlery and started bringing it back to the table so the two could plate up. They finally came to sit down on either side of the table, they poured out drinks and opened the pizza box and began to place slices on their plates.

"Ok this was worth almost burning the kitchen down." Bucky laughed. He couldn't believe how good the food was and it was for certain better than anything he could ever cook. "A toast if you will." Bucky continued

"To us being disasters" Sam chirped up as he raised his glass.

"To us being absolute disasters you mean" Bucky said back clinking his glass against Sams

The two carried the night on by eating and simply having a good time talking about nonsense. It was more than obvious that they relished each other's company. Whether they wanted to admit it or not they were truly beginning to catch feelings for each other - even if they were both blind enough to not notice. Perhaps they could officially call this their first date...

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