Pest and a Half

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Steve leaves the motel room, leaving Bucky and Sam alone. They have some banter, and things get pretty heated.

The motel room is somewhat calm, the only noise coming from the television playing a rerun of Friends. Sam relaxes in a chair, his feet up on the ottoman and a beer in his hand. Bucky watches from one of the beds, eyes squinting at the TV.

"I don't get it." He says, breaking the silence between the two. "If they like each other, why did they break up?"

Sam glances over and arches an eyebrow before scoffing and shaking his head. "Long story, I'm not going to explain it to you."

"You are no help," Bucky sighs.

"I'm plenty of help," Sam states. "Just not to you."

Bucky tightens his lips, biting back another insult. He turns up the volume of the TV and tries to understand the episode. 90s sitcoms are truly something else - and he's not a huge fan. This one, however, about six friends living in New York, has enamoured his attention, although he has no idea what's going on. Sam seems to understand, with him laughing at a few jokes, but his refusal to help Bucky is a little petty.

Steve left for the night, leaving the two of them alone in the motel room. He said it was for some compromise, perhaps trying to determine a way for them to no longer be on the run from the law. Bucky sighs again, casting a silent prayer that they can be out of this soon.

"You keep fuckin' sighing. The hell is on your mind?" Sam grunts.

"I'm trying to understand the damn show and you're refusing to help me."

"Still on the damn show? Alright. Six friends who live in the city try and get through life. That's it."

Bucky grits his teeth. "I already knew that part."

Sam lays down his beer on the table next to him. "Then maybe once we get out of this joint, we can get Netflix, and you can watch the whole series. You're watching an episode in the later seasons, obviously you're not going to understand the stories."

" If we get out of this."

"Nah, we will. No way will be on the run forever." Sam shakes his head. "You know Steve, such a smooth talker. Perhaps he can work our way out of this. Also, you never know what kind of threat is out there. We might be needed for something."

"Perhaps," Bucky states plainly. "And believe me, I know Steve's a smooth talker. I also know how he doesn't give up."

Sam snorts. "Tell me about it. Man doesn't stop."

Bucky looks down and smiles. Sam takes notice of this and raises his eyebrows.

"So what's the uh, deal?" He asks, and Bucky's eyes snap up in confusion. "You know, with you and Steve?"

"Me and..." Bucky tilts his head. "Steve?"

"Yeah," Sam clears his throat and stands up from the chair. "You and Steve. You guys are...awfully close, and you know, he dropped everything for you. In fact, he's a wanted criminal because of you."

Bucky narrows his eyes. "Thank you."

"Just..." Sam rolls his eyes. "Answer the question. Were you two a thing? Are...are you a thing?"

Bucky shakes his head. "No. Steve's not...he doesn't swing that way, I believe is the way to put it."

"And you do?"

Bucky shrugs. "More or less. Back in my day, I had to be discreet about it and all that jazz. Had a couple bars I went to. Still liked my ladies, though, but every once in awhile, I got along well with a man."

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