Is That a Lance in Your Pocket?

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Knightly duties are made so much more unpleasant by the heat. All that armor... Bucky just can't wait to get it all off.

*Dubious language choices but I was more interested in the boys sounding like themselves for the sake of the banter.

"I know it's treason but I swear to you, Sam, if that monster asks us to ride out again tomorrow I'm going to let the commoners unhorse him and beat him to death."

Three days. Three days of searing heat, three days of standing guard outside bawdy houses and brothels while the future King sated his lust for whoring and adventure. It wouldn't have been so bad if they'd been allowed to come inside as well, slake their thirst and peel off at least one layer, but they'd had to stand out in the heat under layers of chain and plate, slowly roasting while the hours ticked by.

"It is treason," Sam agreed, tugging his helmet off over his head. "But I might just dismount and help."

"Just want to fall on my face and not get back up. This is ridiculous. Who invented capes?"

Bucky had managed to tangle his arm up in the process of trying to get his own helm off, which left him trapped underneath it; still hot, fatigued, and desperate to pull off the rest of his layers so he could lay down on the cold tile floor. Fortunately Sam came to his rescue, helping him out of the headpiece before untangling his arm.

"You look like a wet dog," he teased, flicking at a strand of Bucky's wretched, sweat soaked hair. "You sure you didn't go for a swim in the moat on the way back in here?"

"Funny. Help me out of this."

The pauldrons were the toughest part to get off on his own, followed by the gorget, but the release of even that much of the heat trapped in against his body was more of a relief than Bucky knew what to do with. It might have made him weak at the knee if he didn't also have to return the favor for Sam. Stripping each other out of their armor made the whole process faster, but Bucky didn't stop there, ripping off his own maille shirt and tugging the damp, thick wool layer off from underneath, stripping off every stitch and link until he was unabashedly naked.

Naked and pink, and hot, shoving at Sam's hands to keep them out of the way as he returned the favor, until there was nothing between them but air and sweat.

"This the part where you lie down on the floor like last time?"

"Not on my own."

Sam looked like maybe he might hold out for Bucky to agree to accompany him as far as the bed, but then Bucky was sitting right down on the floor, glaring up at him defiantly, and Sam rolled his eyes and gave in.

"You're ridiculous," he protested, grunting his discomfort from aching knees and thighs which protested being used. "And you still look like a wet dog."

"Uh huh, and I smell like one, too."

"Yeah, you do."

Sam huffed, pushing himself forward so his hand was on Bucky's chest, the other supporting his own weight as he directed him back toward the tile floor. For all of a few seconds Bucky was happy to go with it, right up to the point that Sam's body was stretched parallel to his own.

"Nngh. No, you can't. You're too hot."

"I know I am."

Bucky shoved at him, trying to be petulant only to give in and laugh. "Asshole . I mean you're too hot ."

Sam laughed, but he didn't back off, instead dropping closer so he could lick a puddle of sweat from the divot of Bucky's collarbone.

"Taste pretty good, though."

Bucky's complaint was much less of a protest, now, and Sam pressed his luck, attacking with long sweeps of his tongue that made the knight beneath him writhe with pleasure.

"Oh, you like that?"

"You know I do," Bucky growled. "But m'too tired to help you preen right now. You can blow me, and I can maybe roll over and do the same, but that's all I've got left."

Sam snorted, rubbing his nose into Bucky's belly. "You're such a romantic."

"And you're a fucking tease," grumbled Bucky. "C'mon , Sam."

As much of a tease as Sam could be, when he really did get down to the blowing Bucky's mind, his technique was just as accomplished with his tongue as it was with a sword. As the King's falconer, Sam had other duties beyond accompanying his son to the whorehouse, but Bucky was always grateful when he took the assignment alongside him, if only because it meant they could spend the rest of the night together and nobody would even blink an eye.

Though he had to admit that Sam had gone beyond the realms of duty this time. The assignment had been worse than usual, the heat unbearable, but Sam had come anyway.

Bucky didn't know what to call it, but it was more than just a tryst, wasn't it? A guy who'd put himself through the hell they'd both gone through today wasn't just sticking around because he got his dick wet at the end of it. Hell, Bucky was only barely prepared to do it for the Prince even though his head would end up on a spike if he didn't perform his duties, but Sam?

Sam was doing it for him. For this.

It all came to a head much too soon. The heat didn't make it easy to hold out and his orgasm was as much a surprise as a relief. Sam helped ease him through it, then stretched up beside Bucky so he could lick a bead of sweat from his temple, grinning at the sated look on his face.

"You owe me for that one."


Sam laughed. "Yeah, I thought you might say that. You're going to get me back later, right? Just after you have yourself a little nap right here on the floor."

"Said I'd do it, didn't I?" Bucky rolled his eyes and tried to sit up, but flopped back groggily as Sam pushed him back down.

"Maybe I want to wait until after the nap, d'you ever think about that? Besides, I kinda like having you in my debt. All I need is a minute or two to think about what I'm gonna have you do to make it up to me."

Bucky rolled his eyes, but accepted the crook of Sam's throat to nuzzle into. The damp heat there was salt and rust and sex all wrapped in warm skin and accompanied by Sam's heartbeat pressed up against his ear.

"D'you love me?" Bucky asked blearily. He was half asleep, but not so very out of it that he didn't notice Sam's body twitch when he said it.

"Go to sleep, Buck."

Bucky sighed. He wasn't disappointed, not really, just too tired to put up a fight about it, but he was awake enough to still smile, soft and distracted, as Sam pressed his nose into his hair and answered him: "Course I do, you big lug. Who wouldn't love you?"

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