Steve's Notebook

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"Somehow I don't think that's what he intended you to use it for."

"Well then he should have thought about that before he pissed off back to the 40s without a second of consideration."

Sam couldn't argue there. Steve's departure had been really hard on both of them, but Bucky especially, who was supposed to be his best friend. To say Steve had spent years trying to locate and rescue Bucky from HYDRA he had abandoned him at the first chance he had to be with Peggy Carter. Sam didn't hear from Bucky for weeks afterwards. He didn't blame Bucky, he'd lost his best friend and he had needed time to mourn that loss.

 "Fuck you feel so good Sam," Bucky said breathily into Sam's ear as he thrust lazily in and out of him.

In front of him, Sam turned his face into a pillow, his breath coming in short pants, his eyes screwed shut as he neared his climax. Bucky's cock pushed against his prostate making Sam moan into the pillow and he felt Bucky's lips attach themselves to his throat. The vibranium hand that had been holding up Sam's thigh stroked its way around his body to wrap around his sensitive and weeping cock. Sam cursed into the pillow, thrusting away from the touch, impaling himself deeper on Bucky's cock in the process. The hand persisted, spreading the oozing precum around and stroking Sam torturously slowly.

"You getting close Sam? I can feel your ass clenching around me and my cum splashing around in there, you want me to fill you more doll? Make you feel really full of my cum?"

"Shit, Buck, fuck, I'm so close," Sam whimpered, arching the column of his neck under Bucky's mouth.

"You wanna cum doll all you gotta do is ask," Bucky reminded him, moving to nip at his ear.

"P-please, please baby, I need to cum," Sam whined.

"Do it doll, cum for me," Bucky told him.

Sam swore as he came, hard as Bucky continued fucking him through his climax practically growling praises into his ear as he came himself, further filling Sam's ass with more of his cum. Bucky's hand stilled on Sam's cock but didn't release it from his hold. Sam panted to get his breath back, Bucky fully seated inside of him. He whined and groaned as Bucky's still hard cock nudged against his prostate, but Bucky held him still.

"Stay there, doll, stay there for me," Bucky murmured. Sam groaned, supressing a shudder, staying still as Bucky's lips kissed the top of his spine.

The next morning, Sam watched Bucky take out his notebook and start flicking through the pages. He'd often wondered what Bucky wrote in the book but had always been weary of asking. However, he had noticed a recent pattern of Bucky taking it out after they had been some kind of intimate.

"I meant to ask," Sam piped up, leaning his chin on his arms as he lounged across the bed, "you don't have to answer, I was just wondering what the book was for."

"Dr Raynor said I should do something productive when we have time off," Bucky shrugged, "I was pissed at Steve still and I really didn't want to be in therapy at the time, so I decided what better way than to piss them both off than to keep a sex journal."

"She doesn't read that does she?" Sam asked, vaguely horrified by the idea.

"No, that's the best part, she doesn't have your consent."

"OK, I can see how that would annoy her, how exactly does that piss off Steve?"

"I'm using his notebook," Bucky told him.

Sam frowned, he may have only seen it a few times, but from his memory, Steve's notebook looked nothing like the bound journal Bucky was currently writing in.

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