Tell Me All about It

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Bucky has issues, Sam tries to fuck them out of his system. A very dramatic version of pillowtalking.

Bucky's hands rested on the bedframe, holding himself to dear life while Sam pounded into him from behind. His hands kept the soldier's hips steady when he needed them to and made them join in the movements with that same mindset, and it was a form of control Bucky never knew would actually enjoy. In fact, Sam somehow managed to make him lose his own name in such a drunk way, with sweet-talking and determined caresses, that he had more than once found himself begging for his touch, breathing out in pain for his aching member.

This time, though, he hadn't made it slow. Bucky had initiated the approach, and Sam simply went with it, at Bucky's rhythm and pace, until he had him against the pillows, needing more and so much more. Barnes was surprised now, receiving such an amount of pleasure that he thought he wasn't even allowed to feel that way, but feeling ravished and fulfilled to an extent where he couldn't stop moaning out.

Sam, on his part, enjoyed Bucky's noises so much he paid very close attention to whatever nonsense came out of his mouth, no matter how lost he was in his own pleasure. It was when the cursing became Sam's name and his name became pet names and those pet names became a very compromising phrase that his mind took the lustful words seriously.

"Oh, god, I love you."

Wilson considered the possibility of it just having slipped in the moment, but he was about to let it slip as well no matter what the intent on the other side was. Plus, the declaration had sent him on edge and now everything felt fuzzy and great, so his head started spinning.

As he was feeling the orgasm wave over him, he spoke out loud with the last thrusts, "Fuck, I love you too. God."

The man's belly exploded with painful pleasure and he came in Bucky, letting out a loud groan. Nevertheless, still riding off, he could sense Bucky's body a little frozen.

He tried to catch his breath, "Hey, you okay?" he asked to the man's back.

Bucky faked a laugh, "Yeah, I'm fine."

The suspicious sentence being said, he shifted away, Sam slipping off of him in the process and making Bucky whine a little in discomfort, caused by his own movements.

"You're not hurt, are you?" Sam made sure.

Barnes shook his head as he sat down.

"No. All good."

Sam let out a happy breath, big smile mumbling 'okay'. He accommodated his body next to his lover to kiss him, still panting and enthusiastically devouring his mouth. He then went to kiss Bucky's neck, then jaw, and the man was kind of giving in but not really, as just having his eyes closed didn't exactly mean he wanted more. Wilson, on his part, wasn't sure if what was clouding his mind was overthinking the statements they had shared, or if he was just mad that he didn't get to cum himself; luckily, the solution of keeping him busy fixed both of those problems.

But Bucky reached for his mouth and gave him a peck, drifting away too quickly and leaving Sam to linger. Before he could say something, Bucky had stood up and started to get dressed, boxer briefs first, then pants.

Sam was taken aback, but knowing the stubborn wall of a person he was dealing with, knew exactly what he was doing.

"You in a hurry or something?" he asked sarcastically.

"Just wanna get home, that's all." He replied without even a glance.

"Mm'kay." Sam nodded, not buying a single word and letting him know by his tone, "I don't remember saying you couldn't stay over."

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