A Treat for Every Trick

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"What about this one?" Sam asked, showing Bucky a picture from his phone.
"No." Bucky replied, without actually looking at the phone. "Why would you spend money on that anyway?" He asked, vaguely gesturing at Sam's phone.
"I'm not going to, man. Just a reference so you get my vision. Then, we're gonna get creative and make these ourselves."
"And your vision for Halloween costumes is that?" Bucky raised his left eyebrow.
"I think it's great. It's simple, definitely cheap, and the best part is that it's a couple's costume. You can be my partner." Sam nudged Bucky shoulder, attempting to sell the idea.

It's Halloween and Sam & Bucky might have to suit up. But for a completely different reason. Sam is excited, Bucky is... fine?

"What about this one?" Sam asked, showing Bucky a picture from his phone.

"No." Bucky replied, without actually looking at the phone. He already knew where this is going and no, he's not going to participate in this atrocity. "Why would you spend money on that anyway?" He asked, vaguely gesturing at Sam's phone.

"I'm not going to, man. Just a reference so you get my vision. Then, we're gonna get creative and make these ourselves."

"And your vision for Halloween costumes is Salt & Pepper shaker?" Bucky raised his left eyebrow.

"Well, I think it's great. It's simple, definitely cheap, and the best part is that it's a couple's costume. You can be my partner." Sam nudged Bucky shoulder, attempting to sell the idea.

"Let me guess, you're Pepper and I'm Salt." Bucky said while resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"Ha!" Sam replied excitedly, pointing at Bucky. "See? You get it already. I'm pepper because obviously I'm the hot, exciting one. And you're salt because..."

"Because I'm the salty one, right?" Bucky narrowed his eyes. "That what your ideas is?"

"Well, when you put it like that..."

"Thanks for the accurate description, doc. You totally get me." Bucky finally rolled his eyes and shook his head slowly.

The thing was, Bucky did not particularly care about Halloween. He didn't hate it, but he didn't exactly love it either. It's just... there. Kids walked around trick-or-treating to every house they could reach. Everyone dressing up to the nines with their handmade costumes. It was not really Bucky's scene, or Steve's for that matter. Also, when you saw 10 different people dressing up as ghost with white bedsheets, it started to lose its charm rather quickly.

"Come on, man. If you're not gonna approve of my choice, can you at least shoot up some ideas?"

"Why do I get dragged into this fiasco too?"

"Because..." Sam sighed before continuing his thoughts. "The boys already have their costumes. Even Sarah has one already."

"Then you do it with Sarah."

"You know I can't do that." Sam pouted dramatically. "She's already helping the boys with their costumes. 'Sides, it would be good for you too. Join the festivities, dressing up a little so people don't just see you in that gloomy outfit that you wear." Sam continued, but not without a little jab at Bucky.

Bucky couldn't do more than shooting a mild glare at Sam because really, Sam's assessment was not that far off. He wouldn't necessarily call it gloomy, but his many-colored collection of long-sleeved Henleys plus a leather jacket and black tight jeans didn't scream exciting either.

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